blob: 643b761cdb897834d48645de4e25f28ec00cb4b1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Trace.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <unordered_map>
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
#include "lldb/Target/TraceCursor.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/ArchSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/TraceGDBRemotePackets.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/UnimplementedError.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// \class Trace Trace.h "lldb/Target/Trace.h"
/// A plug-in interface definition class for trace information.
/// Trace plug-ins allow processor trace information to be loaded into LLDB so
/// that the data can be dumped, used for reverse and forward stepping to allow
/// introspection into the reason your process crashed or found its way to its
/// current state.
/// Trace information can be loaded into a target without a process to allow
/// introspection of the trace information during post mortem analysis, such as
/// when loading core files.
/// Processor trace information can also be fetched through the process
/// interfaces during a live debug session if your process supports gathering
/// this information.
/// In order to support live tracing, the name of the plug-in should match the
/// name of the tracing type returned by the gdb-remote packet
/// \a jLLDBTraceSupported.
class Trace : public PluginInterface,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<Trace> {
/// Dump the trace data that this plug-in has access to.
/// This function will dump all of the trace data for all threads in a user
/// readable format. Options for dumping can be added as this API is iterated
/// on.
/// \param[in] s
/// A stream object to dump the information to.
virtual void Dump(Stream *s) const = 0;
/// Save the trace of a live process to the specified directory, which
/// will be created if needed.
/// This will also create a a file \a <directory>/trace.json with the main
/// properties of the trace session, along with others files which contain
/// the actual trace data. The trace.json file can be used later as input
/// for the "trace load" command to load the trace in LLDB.
/// The process being trace is not a live process, return an error.
/// \param[in] directory
/// The directory where the trace files will be saved.
/// \return
/// \a llvm::success if the operation was successful, or an \a llvm::Error
/// otherwise.
virtual llvm::Error SaveLiveTraceToDisk(FileSpec directory) = 0;
/// Find a trace plug-in using JSON data.
/// When loading trace data from disk, the information for the trace data
/// can be contained in multiple files and require plug-in specific
/// information about the CPU. Using data like JSON provides an
/// easy way to specify all of the settings and information that we will need
/// to load trace data into LLDB. This structured data can include:
/// - The plug-in name (this allows a specific plug-in to be selected)
/// - Architecture or target triple
/// - one or more paths to the trace data file on disk
/// - core trace data
/// - thread events or related information
/// - shared library load information to use for this trace data that
/// allows a target to be created so the trace information can be
/// symbolicated so that the trace information can be displayed to the
/// user
/// - shared library path
/// - load address
/// - information on how to fetch the shared library
/// - path to locally cached file on disk
/// - URL to download the file
/// - Any information needed to load the trace file
/// - CPU information
/// - Custom plug-in information needed to decode the trace information
/// correctly.
/// \param[in] debugger
/// The debugger instance where new Targets will be created as part of the
/// JSON data parsing.
/// \param[in] trace_session_file
/// The contents of the trace session file describing the trace session.
/// See \a TraceSessionFileParser::BuildSchema for more information about
/// the schema of this JSON file.
/// \param[in] session_file_dir
/// The path to the directory that contains the session file. It's used to
/// resolved relative paths in the session file.
static llvm::Expected<lldb::TraceSP>
FindPluginForPostMortemProcess(Debugger &debugger,
const llvm::json::Value &trace_session_file,
llvm::StringRef session_file_dir);
/// Find a trace plug-in to trace a live process.
/// \param[in] plugin_name
/// Plug-in name to search.
/// \param[in] process
/// Live process to trace.
/// \return
/// A \a TraceSP instance, or an \a llvm::Error if the plug-in name
/// doesn't match any registered plug-ins or tracing couldn't be
/// started.
static llvm::Expected<lldb::TraceSP>
FindPluginForLiveProcess(llvm::StringRef plugin_name, Process &process);
/// Get the schema of a Trace plug-in given its name.
/// \param[in] plugin_name
/// Name of the trace plugin.
static llvm::Expected<llvm::StringRef>
FindPluginSchema(llvm::StringRef plugin_name);
/// Get the command handle for the "process trace start" command.
virtual lldb::CommandObjectSP
GetProcessTraceStartCommand(CommandInterpreter &interpreter) = 0;
/// Get the command handle for the "thread trace start" command.
virtual lldb::CommandObjectSP
GetThreadTraceStartCommand(CommandInterpreter &interpreter) = 0;
/// \return
/// The JSON schema of this Trace plug-in.
virtual llvm::StringRef GetSchema() = 0;
/// Get a \a TraceCursor for the given thread's trace.
/// \return
/// A \a TraceCursorUP. If the thread is not traced or its trace
/// information failed to load, the corresponding error is embedded in the
/// trace.
virtual lldb::TraceCursorUP GetCursor(Thread &thread) = 0;
/// Dump general info about a given thread's trace. Each Trace plug-in
/// decides which data to show.
/// \param[in] thread
/// The thread that owns the trace in question.
/// \param[in] s
/// The stream object where the info will be printed printed.
/// \param[in] verbose
/// If \b true, print detailed info
/// If \b false, print compact info
virtual void DumpTraceInfo(Thread &thread, Stream &s, bool verbose) = 0;
/// Check if a thread is currently traced by this object.
/// \param[in] tid
/// The id of the thread in question.
/// \return
/// \b true if the thread is traced by this instance, \b false otherwise.
virtual bool IsTraced(lldb::tid_t tid) = 0;
/// \return
/// A description of the parameters to use for the \a Trace::Start method.
virtual const char *GetStartConfigurationHelp() = 0;
/// Start tracing a live process.
/// \param[in] configuration
/// See \a SBTrace::Start(const lldb::SBStructuredData &) for more
/// information.
/// \return
/// \a llvm::Error::success if the operation was successful, or
/// \a llvm::Error otherwise.
virtual llvm::Error Start(
StructuredData::ObjectSP configuration = StructuredData::ObjectSP()) = 0;
/// Start tracing live threads.
/// \param[in] tids
/// Threads to trace. This method tries to trace as many threads as
/// possible.
/// \param[in] configuration
/// See \a SBTrace::Start(const lldb::SBThread &, const
/// lldb::SBStructuredData &) for more information.
/// \return
/// \a llvm::Error::success if the operation was successful, or
/// \a llvm::Error otherwise.
virtual llvm::Error Start(
llvm::ArrayRef<lldb::tid_t> tids,
StructuredData::ObjectSP configuration = StructuredData::ObjectSP()) = 0;
/// Stop tracing live threads.
/// \param[in] tids
/// The threads to stop tracing on.
/// \return
/// \a llvm::Error::success if the operation was successful, or
/// \a llvm::Error otherwise.
llvm::Error Stop(llvm::ArrayRef<lldb::tid_t> tids);
/// Stop tracing all current and future threads of a live process.
/// \param[in] request
/// The information determining which threads or process to stop tracing.
/// \return
/// \a llvm::Error::success if the operation was successful, or
/// \a llvm::Error otherwise.
llvm::Error Stop();
/// Get the trace file of the given post mortem thread.
llvm::Expected<const FileSpec &> GetPostMortemTraceFile(lldb::tid_t tid);
/// \return
/// The stop ID of the live process being traced, or an invalid stop ID
/// if the trace is in an error or invalid state.
uint32_t GetStopID();
/// Get binary data of a live thread given a data identifier.
/// \param[in] tid
/// The thread whose data is requested.
/// \param[in] kind
/// The kind of data requested.
/// \return
/// A vector of bytes with the requested data, or an \a llvm::Error in
/// case of failures.
GetLiveThreadBinaryData(lldb::tid_t tid, llvm::StringRef kind);
/// Get binary data of the current process given a data identifier.
/// \param[in] kind
/// The kind of data requested.
/// \return
/// A vector of bytes with the requested data, or an \a llvm::Error in
/// case of failures.
GetLiveProcessBinaryData(llvm::StringRef kind);
/// Get the size of the data returned by \a GetLiveThreadBinaryData
llvm::Optional<size_t> GetLiveThreadBinaryDataSize(lldb::tid_t tid,
llvm::StringRef kind);
/// Get the size of the data returned by \a GetLiveProcessBinaryData
llvm::Optional<size_t> GetLiveProcessBinaryDataSize(llvm::StringRef kind);
/// Constructor for post mortem processes
Trace() = default;
/// Constructor for a live process
Trace(Process &live_process) : m_live_process(&live_process) {}
/// Start tracing a live process or its threads.
/// \param[in] request
/// JSON object with the information necessary to start tracing. In the
/// case of gdb-remote processes, this JSON object should conform to the
/// jLLDBTraceStart packet.
/// \return
/// \a llvm::Error::success if the operation was successful, or
/// \a llvm::Error otherwise.
llvm::Error Start(const llvm::json::Value &request);
/// Get the current tracing state of a live process and its threads.
/// \return
/// A JSON object string with custom data depending on the trace
/// technology, or an \a llvm::Error in case of errors.
llvm::Expected<std::string> GetLiveProcessState();
/// Method to be overriden by the plug-in to refresh its own state.
/// This is invoked by RefreshLiveProcessState when a new state is found.
/// \param[in] state
/// The jLLDBTraceGetState response.
virtual void
DoRefreshLiveProcessState(llvm::Expected<TraceGetStateResponse> state) = 0;
/// Method to be invoked by the plug-in to refresh the live process state.
/// The result is cached through the same process stop.
void RefreshLiveProcessState();
uint32_t m_stop_id = LLDB_INVALID_STOP_ID;
/// Process traced by this object if doing live tracing. Otherwise it's null.
Process *m_live_process = nullptr;
/// tid -> data kind -> size
std::map<lldb::tid_t, std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t>>
/// data kind -> size
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> m_live_process_data;
} // namespace lldb_private