blob: f9d30e40560a7ffc31bb258572a1ef717c4deb06 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Builtins.h - Builtin function header -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Defines enum values for all the target-independent builtin
/// functions.
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include <cstring>
// VC++ defines 'alloca' as an object-like macro, which interferes with our
// builtins.
#undef alloca
namespace clang {
class TargetInfo;
class IdentifierTable;
class ASTContext;
class QualType;
class LangOptions;
enum LanguageID {
GNU_LANG = 0x1, // builtin requires GNU mode.
C_LANG = 0x2, // builtin for c only.
CXX_LANG = 0x4, // builtin for cplusplus only.
OBJC_LANG = 0x8, // builtin for objective-c and objective-c++
MS_LANG = 0x10, // builtin requires MS mode.
ALL_LANGUAGES = C_LANG | CXX_LANG | OBJC_LANG, // builtin for all languages.
ALL_GNU_LANGUAGES = ALL_LANGUAGES | GNU_LANG, // builtin requires GNU mode.
ALL_MS_LANGUAGES = ALL_LANGUAGES | MS_LANG // builtin requires MS mode.
namespace Builtin {
enum ID {
NotBuiltin = 0, // This is not a builtin function.
#include "clang/Basic/Builtins.def"
struct Info {
const char *Name, *Type, *Attributes, *HeaderName;
LanguageID builtin_lang;
bool operator==(const Info &RHS) const {
return !strcmp(Name, RHS.Name) &&
!strcmp(Type, RHS.Type) &&
!strcmp(Attributes, RHS.Attributes);
bool operator!=(const Info &RHS) const { return !(*this == RHS); }
/// \brief Holds information about both target-independent and
/// target-specific builtins, allowing easy queries by clients.
class Context {
const Info *TSRecords;
unsigned NumTSRecords;
/// \brief Perform target-specific initialization
void InitializeTarget(const TargetInfo &Target);
/// \brief Mark the identifiers for all the builtins with their
/// appropriate builtin ID # and mark any non-portable builtin identifiers as
/// such.
void InitializeBuiltins(IdentifierTable &Table, const LangOptions& LangOpts);
/// \brief Populate the vector with the names of all of the builtins.
void GetBuiltinNames(SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &Names);
/// \brief Return the identifier name for the specified builtin,
/// e.g. "__builtin_abs".
const char *GetName(unsigned ID) const {
return GetRecord(ID).Name;
/// \brief Get the type descriptor string for the specified builtin.
const char *GetTypeString(unsigned ID) const {
return GetRecord(ID).Type;
/// \brief Return true if this function has no side effects and doesn't
/// read memory.
bool isConst(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'c') != nullptr;
/// \brief Return true if we know this builtin never throws an exception.
bool isNoThrow(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'n') != nullptr;
/// \brief Return true if we know this builtin never returns.
bool isNoReturn(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'r') != nullptr;
/// \brief Return true if we know this builtin can return twice.
bool isReturnsTwice(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'j') != nullptr;
/// \brief Returns true if this builtin does not perform the side-effects
/// of its arguments.
bool isUnevaluated(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'u') != nullptr;
/// \brief Return true if this is a builtin for a libc/libm function,
/// with a "__builtin_" prefix (e.g. __builtin_abs).
bool isLibFunction(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'F') != nullptr;
/// \brief Determines whether this builtin is a predefined libc/libm
/// function, such as "malloc", where we know the signature a
/// priori.
bool isPredefinedLibFunction(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'f') != nullptr;
/// \brief Determines whether this builtin is a predefined compiler-rt/libgcc
/// function, such as "__clear_cache", where we know the signature a
/// priori.
bool isPredefinedRuntimeFunction(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'i') != nullptr;
/// \brief Determines whether this builtin has custom typechecking.
bool hasCustomTypechecking(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 't') != nullptr;
/// \brief Completely forget that the given ID was ever considered a builtin,
/// e.g., because the user provided a conflicting signature.
void ForgetBuiltin(unsigned ID, IdentifierTable &Table);
/// \brief If this is a library function that comes from a specific
/// header, retrieve that header name.
const char *getHeaderName(unsigned ID) const {
return GetRecord(ID).HeaderName;
/// \brief Determine whether this builtin is like printf in its
/// formatting rules and, if so, set the index to the format string
/// argument and whether this function as a va_list argument.
bool isPrintfLike(unsigned ID, unsigned &FormatIdx, bool &HasVAListArg);
/// \brief Determine whether this builtin is like scanf in its
/// formatting rules and, if so, set the index to the format string
/// argument and whether this function as a va_list argument.
bool isScanfLike(unsigned ID, unsigned &FormatIdx, bool &HasVAListArg);
/// \brief Return true if this function has no side effects and doesn't
/// read memory, except for possibly errno.
/// Such functions can be const when the MathErrno lang option is disabled.
bool isConstWithoutErrno(unsigned ID) const {
return strchr(GetRecord(ID).Attributes, 'e') != nullptr;
const Info &GetRecord(unsigned ID) const;
/// \brief Is this builtin supported according to the given language options?
bool BuiltinIsSupported(const Builtin::Info &BuiltinInfo,
const LangOptions &LangOpts);
/// \brief Helper function for isPrintfLike and isScanfLike.
bool isLike(unsigned ID, unsigned &FormatIdx, bool &HasVAListArg,
const char *Fmt) const;
} // end namespace clang