blob: 169af939f08e8ea3ffe6f9dce87099211c170287 [file] [log] [blame]
//== FunctionSummary.h - Stores summaries of functions. ------------*- C++ -*-//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines a summary of a function gathered/used by static analysis.
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h"
#include <deque>
namespace clang {
class Decl;
namespace ento {
typedef std::deque<Decl*> SetOfDecls;
typedef llvm::DenseSet<const Decl*> SetOfConstDecls;
class FunctionSummariesTy {
class FunctionSummary {
/// Marks the IDs of the basic blocks visited during the analyzes.
llvm::SmallBitVector VisitedBasicBlocks;
/// Total number of blocks in the function.
unsigned TotalBasicBlocks : 30;
/// True if this function has been checked against the rules for which
/// functions may be inlined.
unsigned InlineChecked : 1;
/// True if this function may be inlined.
unsigned MayInline : 1;
/// The number of times the function has been inlined.
unsigned TimesInlined : 32;
FunctionSummary() :
TimesInlined(0) {}
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, FunctionSummary> MapTy;
MapTy Map;
MapTy::iterator findOrInsertSummary(const Decl *D) {
MapTy::iterator I = Map.find(D);
if (I != Map.end())
return I;
typedef std::pair<const Decl *, FunctionSummary> KVPair;
I = Map.insert(KVPair(D, FunctionSummary())).first;
assert(I != Map.end());
return I;
void markMayInline(const Decl *D) {
MapTy::iterator I = findOrInsertSummary(D);
I->second.InlineChecked = 1;
I->second.MayInline = 1;
void markShouldNotInline(const Decl *D) {
MapTy::iterator I = findOrInsertSummary(D);
I->second.InlineChecked = 1;
I->second.MayInline = 0;
void markReachedMaxBlockCount(const Decl *D) {
Optional<bool> mayInline(const Decl *D) {
MapTy::const_iterator I = Map.find(D);
if (I != Map.end() && I->second.InlineChecked)
return I->second.MayInline;
return None;
void markVisitedBasicBlock(unsigned ID, const Decl* D, unsigned TotalIDs) {
MapTy::iterator I = findOrInsertSummary(D);
llvm::SmallBitVector &Blocks = I->second.VisitedBasicBlocks;
assert(ID < TotalIDs);
if (TotalIDs > Blocks.size()) {
I->second.TotalBasicBlocks = TotalIDs;
unsigned getNumVisitedBasicBlocks(const Decl* D) {
MapTy::const_iterator I = Map.find(D);
if (I != Map.end())
return I->second.VisitedBasicBlocks.count();
return 0;
unsigned getNumTimesInlined(const Decl* D) {
MapTy::const_iterator I = Map.find(D);
if (I != Map.end())
return I->second.TimesInlined;
return 0;
void bumpNumTimesInlined(const Decl* D) {
MapTy::iterator I = findOrInsertSummary(D);
/// Get the percentage of the reachable blocks.
unsigned getPercentBlocksReachable(const Decl *D) {
MapTy::const_iterator I = Map.find(D);
if (I != Map.end())
return ((I->second.VisitedBasicBlocks.count() * 100) /
return 0;
unsigned getTotalNumBasicBlocks();
unsigned getTotalNumVisitedBasicBlocks();
}} // end clang ento namespaces