Empty merge of Android 24Q2 Release (ab/11526283) to aosp-main-future

Bug: 337098550
Merged-In: If2b75fffec5508867c91cc72236970047abd55f9
Change-Id: Ida58e24a9e25abc44c740de9384c7a768ab0f1d1
tree: db385056c0bcb5e3cf89e79e86a3256ee376b297
  1. linux-x86/
  2. build-prebuilts.sh
  3. BUILD.bazel
  4. manifest.xml
  5. README.md
  6. update-prebuilts.sh

Prebuilts for Clang/LLVM-based tools used in Android

For the latest version of this doc, please make sure to visit: Android Clang/LLVM-based Tools Readme Doc

Build Instructions

$ mkdir clang-tools && cd clang-tools
$ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b clang-tools
$ repo sync -c
$ OUT_DIR=out prebuilts/clang-tools/build-prebuilts.sh

Update Prebuilts

From an AOSP main tree or a clang-tools tree run:

$ prebuilts/clang-tools/update-prebuilts.sh \
    <build-id from go/ab/aosp-clang-tools>