Update clang-tools to ab/5120695

This commit includes the prebuilts with:

* aosp/800231 - Add a command line option to suppress compilation errors
* aosp/806810 - Add a command line option to dump function declarations
* aosp/816653 - versioner: Port to clang-r344140
* aosp/816654 - Update LLVM_PREBUILT_VERSION to clang-r344140
* aosp/818661 - Copy `lib64/clang/${VER}/shared` from prebuilts

Test: lunch aosp_walleye-userdebug &&  make checkbuild
Test: PATH=$(pwd)/prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin:$PATH \
Test: PATH=$(pwd)/prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin:$PATH \
Change-Id: I9a59495011efd055f3b100d626f719729e30d994
320 files changed
tree: e23d523ee3cb1d2c455aa97402769e58bae99875
  1. darwin-x86/
  2. linux-x86/
  3. build-prebuilts.sh
  4. manifest.xml