Update build-tools to ab/3916447

Added prebuilts for vndk abi stability checking tools header-abi-dumper,
header-abi-linker, header-abi-diff and their dependencies, since their
sources aren't present in many branches.

Bug: 32750600

Test: Locally dumped out the abi of libc, libm, libdl and liblog.

(cherry picked from commit eb2e878dfa5c5cb6d6fed87c1490cfea2c1edb4f)
Merged-In: I0f269b915596035c708c000b5eb374dee66b6775
Merged-In: I44f7ae492b3774ce024e140b7ae7db78a6759cfa
Change-Id: I0f269b915596035c708c000b5eb374dee66b6775
29 files changed
tree: ed56cc3e3ebfaf6efaf5dbaff0ab3a5731b53b34
  1. darwin-x86/
  2. linux-x86/
  3. build-prebuilts.sh
  4. manifest.xml