Update build-tools to ab/4535832

header-abi-diff: Change the behavior of `--allow-extensions`.  If
`--allow-extensions` is not specified, API extensions should be errors
instead of warnings.

Test: Run header-abi-diff and see the *red* error when there are
extensions and `--allow-extensions` is not specified.

Test: Run header-abi-diff and see nothing when there are extensions and
`--allow-extensions` is specified.

Change-Id: I4f0ae325dc70af1014bc1a9603f7776350a082d3
3 files changed
tree: fa86082d87af7b5d198491771afca894da6e02fb
  1. common/
  2. darwin-x86/
  3. linux-x86/
  4. build-prebuilts.sh
  5. manifest.xml