ASuite: update prebuilt acloud by uploader.(7931225).

The prebuilt acloud was downloaded from:

Bug: 204158107
Bug: 206647148
Bug: 203700294
Bug: 205791158
Bug: 179487521
Bug: 202820293
Bug: 189417881

aosp/1897200 c3385ff: Update fetch_cvd version to 7924973
aosp/1888058 7301cba: Add unittest to
aosp/1897201 399018e: Add a 100gb extra disk precreated data image option
aosp/1881166 2209a0d: Support OpenWrt type of AVD for acloud create.
aosp/1881162 822b6fa: Hint user once unsupport webrtc in old branch.
aosp/1895023 95f34c9: Cuttlefish AVD over webrtc should use UDP directly
aosp/1868724 d9dad28: acloud: download artifact error message correct

Test: source build/ && lunch
Change-Id: I3cfdd3ebfdfbf1b198091470bfe4fa27a57776f9
1 file changed