blob: 94427bb81112baff12c4ea9dc0bf002093102031 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
// Each message has its own class file created.
option java_multiple_files = true;
message FlickerErrorProto {
required string stacktrace = 1;
required string message = 2;
optional int32 layerId = 3;
optional string windowToken = 4;
optional int32 taskId = 5;
optional string assertionName = 6;
message FlickerErrorStateProto {
required int64 timestamp = 1;
repeated FlickerErrorProto errors = 2;
message FlickerErrorTraceProto {
/* constant; MAGIC_NUMBER = (long) MAGIC_NUMBER_H << 32 |
MagicNumber.MAGIC_NUMBER_L (this is needed because enums have to be 32 bits
and there's no nice way to put 64bit constants into .proto files. */
enum MagicNumber {
MAGIC_NUMBER_L = 0x54525245; /* ERRT (little-endian ASCII) */
MAGIC_NUMBER_H = 0x45434152; /* RACE (little-endian ASCII) */
/* Must be the first field, set to value in MagicNumber */
optional fixed64 magic_number = 1;
repeated FlickerErrorStateProto states = 2;