Showing up network selection notification if out of service for a while.

1. In case network selection notification shows up repeatedly under
unstable network condition. Should check the service state is out of
service for a while then shows up No Service Notification.
2. Support multi-sim for network selection notification.
3. Dismiss network selection notification if sub id is inactive.

Bug: 72380747
Bug: 110119009
Test: In manual
      1. Check the Notification should not show up under Automatically
      select network mode.
      2. In case under Manual select mode, the Notification should not
      show up when selected a valid PLMN (Camped on).
      3. In case under Manual select mode, the Notification show up
      after 10 secends when selected a forbidden PLMN.

Change-Id: I94d8ea2f903e219ead8236eb17f364a306577a52
Merged-In: Ic37fa8edb1868dffff9c9d4d63c4ee4f9b38d8b0
1 file changed