Custom Input Event


make SampleCustomInputService -j64


adb install $OUT/target/product/emulator_car_x86/system/app/SampleCustomInputService/SampleCustomInputService.apk

Start SampleCustomInputService

adb shell am start-foreground-service

Running tests

Steps to run unit tests:

  1. Build and install SampleCustomInputService.apk (see above sections).
  2. Then run:
atest SampleCustomInputServiceTest

Inject events (test scripts)

These are the test scripts to demonstrate how CustomInputEvent can be used to implement OEM partners non-standard events. They all represent hypothetical features for the sake of documentation only.

Note: Make sure SampleCustomInputService is installed and started. Especially if you've just ran tests. Depending on the configuration you use, running SampleCustomInputServiceTest may uninstall SampleCustomInputService.

Inject Maps event from steering wheel control

For this example, press home first, then inject the event to start Maps activity by running:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-custom-input -d 0 f1

Parameters are:

  • -d 0: sets target display type to main display;
  • f1: sets the OEM partner function f1 to execute. In this implementation, f1 argument represents the action used to launch Google maps app;

Note: For this command to run, ensure that Google Maps app is installed first.