Test categories

**1. Functional Tests

ScriptExecutor functional tests that are run as system user - which is required by ScriptExecutor to invoke script processing.

**2. Non-system-user Tests

These are tests that does not need to be run as system user or tests running as non-system user.

How to run tests for ScriptExecutor

1. Navigate to the root of the repo and do full build:

m -j

2. Flash the device with this build:

aae flash

3. Run the tests. For example

atest ScriptExecutorFunctionalTests:ScriptExecutorFunctionalTest

How to rerun the tests after changes

Sometimes a test needs to be modified. These are the steps to do incremental update instead of full device flash.

1. Navigate to ScriptExecutor unit test location and build its targets: cd packages/services/Car/packages/ScriptExecutor/tests/functional

mm -j

2. Sync the device with all the files that need to be updated:

adb root

adb remount

adb sync && adb shell stop && adb shell start

3. At this point we are ready to run the tests again. For example:

atest ScriptExecutorFunctionalTests:ScriptExecutorFunctionalTest