Generate sdk snapshots for the R build

This change replicates the behavior of the that
creates an Android.bp file along with the necessary file structure for
an R build.

It adds the information needed to a ForRBuild object which is set on
those MainlineModules that need to provide SDKs for R. That includes
a list of SdkLibrary objects each of which has a name and a flag that
indicates whether it is a shared library.

The R BuildRelease creator function builds the sdk snapshots as normal
and then extracts information from those snapshot files to construct
snapshots suitable for an R build. It then passes the directory
containing those new snapshot files to populate_dist() which will then
copy them into the correct location in the dist directory.

For each MainlineModule that provides an SDK for R the following is
created in the out/soong/mainline-sdks/for-R-build directory:
* A sub-directory using the apex name containing:
 * An Android.bp file with definitions for each SdkLibrary.
 * A file structure containing API txt file, removed API txt file,
   a srcjar containing the stub sources and a stubs jar.
* A zip file containing the contents of the previous directory whose
  name is <sdk-name>, to match the files that are
  generated by Soong when building sdk snapshots.

As R does not support the Soong config boilerplate code that
transformation is disabled for R.

Test: atest --host mainline_modules_sdks_test
      pyformat -s 4 --force_quote_type double -i build/mainline_modules_sdks*.py
      /usr/bin/pylint --rcfile $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/tools/repohooks/tools/pylintrc build/mainline_modules_sdks*.py
Change-Id: I70001782496a3e9805bf56181c0e08419e31e191
5 files changed
tree: eac27349be03fe8e5607e62ed621bf20fdf8b431
  1. build/
  2. java/
  3. proguard/
  4. proto/
  5. sdk/
  6. tools/
  7. Android.bp
  10. OWNERS
  12. PREUPLOAD.cfg


This project includes mainline build and other utility code. Any library code intended for use by modules should go in frameworks/libs/modules-utils instead.

java code

This project uses a single source path for java code. All java code should go in the java directory with subdirectories corresponding to the java package. Android.bp files should go alongside the java source files, and should only include java source for a single java package to encourage good code hygiene.

Tests for java code should go in the javatests directory and follow the same structure.