Finalize using the for-next-build SDK snapshots

Previously, the SDK finalization script consumed the SDK snapshots from
the `for-latest-build` directory. However, in trunk stable that is no
longer viable as that directory will include flagged APIs but the
finalized SDK cannot use flagged APIs. It is not possible to remove
flagged APIs from `for-latest-build` as the snapshots in there are
dropped into Android itself and so must include flagged APIs.

This change switches the script to use `for-next-build` which is
currently identical to `for-latest-build` but will, eventually contain
no flagged APIs.

Bug: 313065235
Test: TBD
Change-Id: I2e7a63a02aa218e259d6b970d64016d15f42fb0f
1 file changed
tree: d2cb1ad84024906a572fafc4aa6c5d168d67c8b8
  1. build/
  2. java/
  3. javatests/
  4. proguard/
  5. proto/
  6. sdk/
  7. tools/
  8. Android.bp
  10. OWNERS
  12. PREUPLOAD.cfg


This project includes mainline build and other utility code. Any library code intended for use by modules should go in frameworks/libs/modules-utils instead.

java code

This project uses a single source path for java code. All java code should go in the java directory with subdirectories corresponding to the java package. Android.bp files should go alongside the java source files, and should only include java source for a single java package to encourage good code hygiene.

Tests for java code should go in the javatests directory and follow the same structure.