| # ADB(1) MAN PAGE |
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| |
| 1.0.41 |
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| # NAME |
| |
| **adb** |
| CLI Client for ADB (Android Debug Bridge) Server. |
| |
| |
| **adb** [*GLOBAL_OPTIONS*] command [*COMMAND_OPTIONS*] |
| |
| |
| Connects to the ADB Server via its smart socket interface. Allows sending requests, receives responses and manages lifecycle of the adb server. |
| |
| Tasks are performed via commands. Some commands are fulfilled directly by the server while others are "forwarded over to the adbd(ADB daemon) running on the device. |
| |
| |
| **-a** |
| Listen on all network interfaces, not just localhost. |
| |
| **-d** |
| Use USB device (error if multiple devices connected). |
| |
| **-e** |
| Use TCP/IP device (error if multiple TCP/IP devices available). |
| |
| **-s** **SERIAL** |
| Use device with given **SERIAL** (overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL). |
| |
| **-t** **ID** |
| Use device with given transport **ID**. |
| |
| **-H** |
| Name of adb server host [default=localhost]. |
| |
| **-P** **PORT* |
| Smart socket **PORT** of adb server [default=5037]. |
| |
| **-L** **SOCKET** |
| Listen on given socket for adb server [default=tcp:localhost:5037]. |
| |
| **\-\-one-device** **SERIAL**|**USB** |
| Server will only connect to one USB device, specified by a **SERIAL** number or **USB** device address (only with 'start-server' or 'server nodaemon'). |
| |
| **\-\-exit-on-write-error** |
| Exit if stdout is closed. |
| |
| |
| |
| devices [**-l**] |
| List connected devices. |
| |
| **-l** |
| Use long output. |
| |
| help |
| Show this help message. |
| |
| version |
| Show version number. |
| |
| |
| connect **HOST**[:**PORT**] |
| Connect to a device via TCP/IP [default **PORT**=5555]. |
| |
| disconnect [**HOST**[:**PORT**]] |
| Disconnect from given TCP/IP device [default **PORT**=5555], or all. |
| |
| pair **HOST**[:**PORT**] [**PAIRING_CODE**] |
| Pair with a device for secure TCP/IP communication. |
| |
| forward **\-\-list** | [**--no-rebind**] **LOCAL_REMOTE** | **\-\-remove** **LOCAL** | **\-\-remove-all** |
| |
| **\-\-list** |
| List all forward socket connections. |
| |
| [**--no-rebind**] **LOCAL_REMOTE** |
| Forward socket connection using one of the followings. |
| |
| **tcp**:**PORT** (local may be "tcp:0" to pick any open port. |
| **localreserved**:**UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_NAME**. |
| **localfilesystem**:**UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_NAME**. |
| **jdwp**:**PROCESS PID** (remote only). |
| **vsock**:**CID**:**PORT** (remote only). |
| **acceptfd**:**FD** (listen only). |
| **dev**:**DEVICE_NAME**. |
| **dev-raw**:**DEVICE_NAME**. (open device in raw mode)**. |
| |
| **\-\-remove** **LOCAL** |
| Remove specific forward socket connection. |
| |
| **\-\-remove-all** |
| Remove all forward socket connections. |
| |
| reverse **\-\-list** | [**\-\-no-rebind**] **REMOTE** **LOCAL** | **\-\-remove** **REMOTE** | **\-\-remove-all** |
| |
| **\-\-list** |
| List all reverse socket connections from device. |
| |
| [**\-\-no-rebind**] **REMOTE** **LOCAL** |
| Reverse socket connection using one of the following. |
| |
| tcp:**PORT** (**REMOTE** may be "tcp:0" to pick any open port). |
| localabstract:**UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_NAME**. |
| localreserved:**UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_NAME**. |
| localfilesystem:**UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_NAME**. |
| |
| **\-\-remove** **REMOTE** |
| Remove specific reverse socket connection. |
| |
| **\-\-remove-all** |
| Remove all reverse socket connections from device. |
| |
| mdns **check** | **services** |
| Perform mDNS subcommands. |
| |
| **check** |
| Check if mdns discovery is available. |
| |
| **services** |
| List all discovered services. |
| |
| |
| |
| push [**--sync**] [**-z** **ALGORITHM**] [**-Z**] **LOCAL**... **REMOTE** |
| Copy local files/directories to device. |
| |
| **--sync** |
| Only push files that are newer on the host than the device. |
| |
| **-n** |
| Dry run, push files to device without storing to the filesystem. |
| |
| **-z** |
| enable compression with a specified algorithm (any/none/brotli/lz4/zstd). |
| |
| **-Z** |
| Disable compression. |
| |
| pull [**-a**] [**-z** **ALGORITHM**] [**-Z**] **REMOTE**... **LOCAL** |
| Copy files/dirs from device |
| |
| **-a** |
| preserve file timestamp and mode. |
| |
| **-z** |
| enable compression with a specified algorithm (**any**/**none**/**brotli**/**lz4**/**zstd**) |
| |
| **-Z** |
| disable compression |
| |
| sync [**-l**] [**-z** **ALGORITHM**] [**-Z**] [**all**|**data**|**odm**|**oem**|**product**|**system**|**system_ext**|**vendor**] |
| Sync a local build from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT to the device (default all) |
| |
| **-n** |
| Dry run. Push files to device without storing to the filesystem. |
| |
| **-l** |
| List files that would be copied, but don't copy them. |
| |
| **-z** |
| Enable compression with a specified algorithm (**any**/**none**/**brotli**/**lz4**/**zstd**) |
| |
| **-Z** |
| Disable compression. |
| |
| # SHELL: |
| |
| shell [**-e** **ESCAPE**] [**-n**] [**-Tt**] [**-x**] [**COMMAND**...] |
| Run remote shell command (interactive shell if no command given). |
| |
| **-e** |
| Choose escape character, or "**none**"; default '**~**'. |
| |
| **-n** |
| Don't read from stdin. |
| |
| **-T**: |
| Disable pty allocation. |
| |
| **-t**: |
| Allocate a pty if on a tty (-tt: force pty allocation). |
| |
| **-x** |
| Disable remote exit codes and stdout/stderr separation. |
| |
| emu **COMMAND** |
| Run emulator console **COMMAND** |
| |
| (see also `adb shell cmd package help`): |
| |
| install [**-lrtsdg**] [**--instant**] **PACKAGE** |
| Push a single package to the device and install it |
| |
| install-multiple [**-lrtsdpg**] [**--instant**] **PACKAGE**... |
| Push multiple APKs to the device for a single package and install them |
| |
| install-multi-package [**-lrtsdpg**] [**--instant**] **PACKAGE**... |
| Push one or more packages to the device and install them atomically |
| |
| **-r**: |
| Replace existing application. |
| |
| **-t** |
| Allow test packages. |
| |
| **-d** |
| Allow version code downgrade (debuggable packages only). |
| |
| **-p** |
| Partial application install (install-multiple only). |
| |
| **-g** |
| Grant all runtime permissions. |
| |
| **\-\-abi** **ABI** |
| Override platform's default ABI. |
| |
| **\-\-instant** |
| Cause the app to be installed as an ephemeral install app. |
| |
| **\-\-no-streaming** |
| Always push APK to device and invoke Package Manager as separate steps. |
| |
| **\-\-streaming** |
| Force streaming APK directly into Package Manager. |
| |
| **\-\-fastdeploy** |
| Use fast deploy. |
| |
| **-no-fastdeploy** |
| Prevent use of fast deploy. |
| |
| **-force-agent** |
| Force update of deployment agent when using fast deploy. |
| |
| **-date-check-agent** |
| Update deployment agent when local version is newer and using fast deploy. |
| |
| **\-\-version-check-agent** |
| Update deployment agent when local version has different version code and using fast deploy. |
| |
| **\-\-local-agent** |
| Locate agent files from local source build (instead of SDK location). See also `adb shell pm help` for more options. |
| |
| uninstall [**-k**] **APPLICATION_ID** |
| Remove this **APPLICATION_ID** from the device. |
| |
| **-k** |
| Keep the data and cache directories. |
| |
| |
| bugreport [**PATH**] |
| Write bugreport to given PATH [default=bugreport.zip]; if **PATH** is a directory, the bug report is saved in that directory. devices that don't support zipped bug reports output to stdout. |
| |
| jdwp |
| List pids of processes hosting a JDWP transport. |
| |
| logcat |
| Show device log (logcat --help for more). |
| |
| server-status Display server configuration (USB backend, mDNS backend, log location, binary path. See [adb_host.proto](../../proto/adb_host.proto) (AdbServerStatus) for details. |
| |
| |
| disable-verity |
| Disable dm-verity checking on userdebug builds. |
| |
| enable-verity |
| Re-enable dm-verity checking on userdebug builds. |
| |
| keygen **FILE** |
| Generate adb public/private key; private key stored in **FILE**. |
| |
| |
| wait-for [-**TRANSPORT**] -**STATE**... |
| Wait for device to be in a given state. |
| |
| **STATE**: device, recovery, rescue, sideload, bootloader, or disconnect. |
| **TRANSPORT**: **usb**, **local**, or **any** [default=**any**]. |
| |
| get-state |
| Print offline | bootloader | device. |
| |
| get-serialno |
| Print **SERIAL_NUMBER**. |
| |
| get-devpath |
| Print **DEVICE_PATH**. |
| |
| remount [**-R**] |
| Remount partitions read-write. |
| |
| **-R** |
| Automatically reboot the device. |
| |
| reboot [**bootloader**|**recovery**|**sideload**|**sideload-auto-reboot**] |
| Reboot the device; defaults to booting system image but supports **bootloader** and **recovery** too. |
| |
| **sideload** |
| Reboots into recovery and automatically starts sideload mode. |
| |
| **sideload-auto-reboot** |
| Same as **sideload** but reboots after sideloading. |
| |
| |
| sideload **OTAPACKAGE** |
| Sideload the given full OTA package **OTAPACKAGE**. |
| |
| root |
| Restart adbd with root permissions. |
| |
| unroot |
| Restart adbd without root permissions. |
| |
| usb |
| Restart adbd listening on USB. |
| |
| tcpip **PORT** |
| Restart adbd listening on TCP on **PORT**. |
| |
| |
| start-server |
| Ensure that there is a server running. |
| |
| kill-server |
| Kill the server if it is running. |
| |
| reconnect |
| Close connection from host side to force reconnect. |
| |
| reconnect device |
| Close connection from device side to force reconnect. |
| |
| reconnect offline |
| Reset offline/unauthorized devices to force reconnect. |
| |
| # USB: |
| |
| Only valid when running with libusb backend. |
| |
| attach **SERIAL** |
| Attach a detached USB device identified by its **SERIAL** number. |
| |
| detach **SERIAL** |
| Detach from a USB device identified by its **SERIAL** to allow use by other processes. |
| |
| |
| # Features: |
| |
| host-features |
| list features supported by adb server. |
| |
| features |
| list features supported by both adb server and device. |
| |
| |
| Comma (or space) separated list of debug info to log: all,adb,sockets,packets,rwx,usb,sync,sysdeps,transport,jdwp,services,auth,fdevent,shell,incremental, mdns. |
| |
| Colon-separated list of keys (files or directories). |
| |
| Serial number to connect to (see -s). |
| |
| Tags to be used by logcat (see logcat --help). |
| |
| Max emulator scan port (default 5585, 16 emulators). |
| |
| Comma-separated list of mdns services to allow auto-connect (default adb-tls-connect). |
| |
| The default mDNS-SD backend is Bonjour (mdnsResponder). For machines where Bonjour is not installed, adb can spawn its own, embedded, mDNS-SD back end, openscreen. If set to "1", this env variable forces mDNS backend to openscreen. |
| |
| ADB has its own USB backend implementation but can also employ libusb. use `adb devices -l` (`usb:` prefix is omitted for libusb) or `adb host-features` (look for `libusb` in the output list) to identify which is in use. To override the default for your OS, set ADB_LIBUSB to "1" to enable libusb, or "0" to enable the ADB backend implementation. |
| |
| # BUGS |
| |
| See Issue Tracker: [here](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=192795&template=1310483). |
| |
| |
| See [OWNERS](../../OWNERS) file in ADB AOSP repo. |