Reinstating the __ANROID_RECOVERY__ part of b/158156979 (removal of preprocessor guards for root/secure:

Bug: 188703874
Test: Recovery execution path tested by williamhester@
      adbd regression testing for non-recovery execution (TBD)

Signed-off-by: Shaju Mathew <>
Change-Id: I3b7cc1f49f25dbfa3c5da954242461721aa3761f
diff --git a/daemon/main.cpp b/daemon/main.cpp
index 4b3cf6d..d97e8f9 100644
--- a/daemon/main.cpp
+++ b/daemon/main.cpp
@@ -207,10 +207,18 @@
 #if defined(__ANDROID__)
-    // If we're on userdebug/eng or the device is unlocked, permit no-authentication.
-    bool device_unlocked = "orange" == android::base::GetProperty("ro.boot.verifiedbootstate", "");
-    if (__android_log_is_debuggable() || device_unlocked) {
+    bool device_unlocked = android::base::GetProperty("ro.boot.verifiedbootstate", "") == "orange";
+    if (device_unlocked || __android_log_is_debuggable()) {
+#if defined(__ANDROID_RECOVERY__)
+        auth_required = false;  // Bypass authorization when the device transitions to
+        // fastbootd (from recovery). A corrupt userdata image can potentially
+        // result in the device falling into rescue, and a subsequent fastboot
+        // state should not require authorization - otherwise, it will force the
+        // need for manual intervention(b/188703874).
+        // If we're on userdebug/eng or the device is unlocked, permit no-authentication.
         auth_required = android::base::GetBoolProperty("", false);