ScanDetail: set scan result passpoint flag in constructor

ScanDetail does not set the ScanResult.FLAG_PASSPOINT_NETWORK flag
for its |mScanResult| member in its constructor. This causes
problems when in WifiTracker, which uses this flag from the
ScanResult to determine whether or not to associate Passpoint configs
with Passpoint access points.

Fix this by setting this flag in the ScanDetail constructor.

BUG: 29550309
TEST: Manually verify that the "Available via $PROVIDER" subtext
      appears under the SSIDs of Passpoint networks, when we have
      the credentials for connecting to these passpoint networks
      installed, but are currently connected to a non-Passpoint

Change-Id: I1da2c0eff336331deae4dbd86f4c6afc3d456db9
1 file changed
tree: 046ed0f959a02a4a914f5f015def9b8d65a114dc
  1. service/