wifi: Add ChangeListener support in WifiCountryCode

SoftApCapability#getSupportedChannelList needs to update after the country code set to
driver. It doesn't work if design rely on listen intent when wifi off.
Add new ChangeListener in WifiCountryCode to notify event when
country code set to driver succeed.

Bug: 175964277
Bug: 173171150
Bug: 172544188
Bug: 151189102
Test: atest -c FrameworksWifiTests
Test: Manual Test and check SoftApCapability via log.
Step: 1. Wifi Off (SAA off) reboot device. 2. After device reboot, turn
wifi. Result: getSupportedChannelList get the data from driver after
wifi enabled.

Change-Id: I3c965f2b82bbefba440de30e26057d3996d37034
3 files changed
tree: 216fc5e3a2c2cb7b806719486ff66e33a65ba72f
  1. apex/
  2. service/
  3. metrics_pdd_hook.py
  4. PREUPLOAD.cfg