Run microdroid on cuttlefish on GCE

CF on GCE is now capable of running microdroid via nested virt. Since
the nested virt is extremely slow, increase the timeout values. In my
experiments, it took about 2.5 min to boot microdroid.

To avoid waiting so long on other devices (local CF instances or real
devices), the test now monitors log to detect an event that implies
microdroid has booted.

Finally, adds some conditions (e.g. existence of /dev/kvm) to test if
the device is capable of running microdroid.

Bug: 182300699
Test: acloud create --build-id 7360953 --build-target
aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug; atest -s<port>

Change-Id: I73cc5f4c44183318d83494991b24e29c8518aab2
2 files changed
tree: cea1569b433da991358fb0092fecdf649b8c39a4
  1. apex/
  2. authfs/
  3. compos/
  4. docs/
  5. microdroid/
  6. tests/
  7. virtmanager/
  8. vm/
  9. zipfuse/
  10. .clang-format
  11. PREUPLOAD.cfg