Measure Microdroid boot time in non-debug mode

Our current benchmarks measure boot time in DEBUG_MODE_FULL and try to
parse the console output to identify time spent in individual boot
stages. That is helpful data but it means that the reported overall boot
time is not representative of production environment.

Rename the existing test to testMicrodroidBootTimeDebug and add
testMicrodroidBootTime that runs in DEBUG_MODE_NONE.

Test: atest MicrodroidBenchmarkApp
Change-Id: Iab706340803957ef26c6ec2cede75485c2e04808
1 file changed
tree: 7ce2c455fe4bb5f00a1869308b07d99244aa377e
  1. apex/
  2. apkdmverity/
  3. authfs/
  4. avmd/
  5. compos/
  6. demo/
  7. docs/
  8. encryptedstore/
  9. javalib/
  10. launcher/
  11. libs/
  12. microdroid/
  13. microdroid_manager/
  14. pvmfw/
  15. rialto/
  16. tests/
  17. virtualizationservice/
  18. vm/
  19. vm_payload/
  20. vmbase/
  21. vmclient/
  22. zipfuse/
  23. .clang-format
  24. .gitignore
  25. Android.bp
  26. OWNERS
  27. PREUPLOAD.cfg


This repository contains userspace services related to running virtual machines on Android, especially protected virtual machines. See the getting started documentation and Microdroid README for more information.