
Microfuchsia is an experimental solution for running trusted applications on pkvm using the Android Virtualization Framework (AVF).

How to use

Add the com.android.microfuchsia apex to your product.

PRODUCT_PACKAGES += com.android.microfuchsia

Define and add a com.android.microfuchsia.images apex to hold the images.

PRODUCT_PACKAGES += com.android.microfuchsia.images

This apex must have a prebuilt fuchsia.zbi in /etc/fuchsia.zbi and a boot shim in /etc/linux-arm64-boot-shim.bin.

Using the console

This command will open the console for the first VM running in AVF, and can be used to connect to the microfuchsia console.

adb shell -t /apex/com.android.virt/bin/vm console