blob: b9ce6c8da7ff45beba1de24ac46634e289650a4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//! Rust wrapper for the VM Payload API, allowing virtual machine payload code to be written in
//! Rust. This wraps the raw C API, accessed via bindgen, into a more idiomatic Rust interface.
//! See ``
//! for more information on the VM Payload API.
mod attestation;
pub use attestation::{request_attestation, AttestationError, AttestationResult};
use binder::unstable_api::AsNative;
use binder::{FromIBinder, Strong};
use std::ffi::{c_void, CStr, OsStr};
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::path::Path;
use std::ptr;
use vm_payload_bindgen::{
AIBinder, AVmPayload_getApkContentsPath, AVmPayload_getEncryptedStoragePath,
AVmPayload_getVmInstanceSecret, AVmPayload_notifyPayloadReady, AVmPayload_runVsockRpcServer,
/// The functions declared here are restricted to VMs created with a config file;
/// they will fail, or panic, if called in other VMs. The ability to create such VMs
/// requires the android.permission.USE_CUSTOM_VIRTUAL_MACHINE permission, and is
/// therefore not available to privileged or third party apps.
/// These functions can be used by tests, if the permission is granted via shell.
pub mod restricted {
pub use crate::attestation::request_attestation_for_testing;
/// Marks the main function of the VM payload.
/// When the VM is run, this function is called. If it returns, the VM ends normally with a 0 exit
/// code.
/// Example:
/// ```rust
/// use log::info;
/// vm_payload::main!(vm_main);
/// fn vm_main() {
/// android_logger::init_once(
/// android_logger::Config::default()
/// .with_tag("example_vm_payload")
/// .with_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Info),
/// );
/// info!("Hello world");
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! main {
($name:path) => {
// Export a symbol with a name matching the extern declaration below.
#[export_name = "rust_main"]
fn __main() {
// Ensure that the main function provided by the application has the correct type.
// This is the real C entry point for the VM; we just forward to the Rust entry point.
extern "C" fn AVmPayload_main() {
extern "Rust" {
fn rust_main();
// SAFETY: rust_main is provided by the application using the `main!` macro above, which makes
// sure it has the right type.
unsafe { rust_main() }
/// Notifies the host that the payload is ready.
/// If the host app has set a `VirtualMachineCallback` for the VM, its
/// `onPayloadReady` method will be called.
/// Note that subsequent calls to this function after the first have no effect;
/// `onPayloadReady` is never called more than once.
pub fn notify_payload_ready() {
// SAFETY: Invokes a method from the bindgen library `vm_payload_bindgen` which is safe to
// call at any time.
unsafe { AVmPayload_notifyPayloadReady() };
/// Runs a binder RPC server, serving the supplied binder service implementation on the given vsock
/// port.
/// If and when the server is ready for connections (i.e. it is listening on the port),
/// [`notify_payload_ready`] is called to notify the host that the server is ready. This is
/// appropriate for VM payloads that serve a single binder service - which is common.
/// Note that this function does not return. The calling thread joins the binder
/// thread pool to handle incoming messages.
pub fn run_single_vsock_service<T>(service: Strong<T>, port: u32) -> !
T: FromIBinder + ?Sized,
extern "C" fn on_ready(_param: *mut c_void) {
let mut service = service.as_binder();
// The cast here is needed because the compiler doesn't know that our vm_payload_bindgen
// AIBinder is the same type as binder_ndk_sys::AIBinder.
let service = service.as_native_mut() as *mut AIBinder;
let param = ptr::null_mut();
// SAFETY: We have a strong reference to the service, so the raw pointer remains valid. It is
// safe for on_ready to be invoked at any time, with any parameter.
unsafe { AVmPayload_runVsockRpcServer(service, port, Some(on_ready), param) }
/// Gets the path to the contents of the APK containing the VM payload. It is a directory, under
/// which are the unzipped contents of the APK containing the payload, all read-only
/// but accessible to the payload.
pub fn apk_contents_path() -> &'static Path {
// SAFETY: AVmPayload_getApkContentsPath always returns a non-null pointer to a
// nul-terminated C string with static lifetime.
let c_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(AVmPayload_getApkContentsPath()) };
/// Gets the path to the encrypted persistent storage for the VM, if any. This is
/// a directory under which any files or directories created will be stored on
/// behalf of the VM by the host app. All data is encrypted using a key known
/// only to the VM, so the host cannot decrypt it, but may delete it.
/// Returns `None` if no encrypted storage was requested in the VM configuration.
pub fn encrypted_storage_path() -> Option<&'static Path> {
// SAFETY: AVmPayload_getEncryptedStoragePath returns either null or a pointer to a
// nul-terminated C string with static lifetime.
let ptr = unsafe { AVmPayload_getEncryptedStoragePath() };
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
// SAFETY: We know the pointer is not null, and so it is a valid C string.
let c_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) };
/// Retrieves all or part of a 32-byte secret that is bound to this unique VM
/// instance and the supplied identifier. The secret can be used e.g. as an
/// encryption key.
/// Every VM has a secret that is derived from a device-specific value known to
/// the hypervisor, the code that runs in the VM and its non-modifiable
/// configuration; it is not made available to the host OS.
/// This function performs a further derivation from the VM secret and the
/// supplied identifier. As long as the VM identity doesn't change the same value
/// will be returned for the same identifier, even if the VM is stopped &
/// restarted or the device rebooted.
/// If multiple secrets are required for different purposes, a different
/// identifier should be used for each. The identifiers otherwise are arbitrary
/// byte sequences and do not need to be kept secret; typically they are
/// hardcoded in the calling code.
/// The secret is returned in [`secret`], truncated to its size, which must be between
/// 1 and 32 bytes (inclusive) or the function will panic.
pub fn get_vm_instance_secret(identifier: &[u8], secret: &mut [u8]) {
let secret_size = secret.len();
assert!((1..=32).contains(&secret_size), "VM instance secrets can be up to 32 bytes long");
// SAFETY: The function only reads from `[identifier]` within its bounds, and only writes to
// `[secret]` within its bounds. Neither reference is retained, and we know neither is null.
unsafe {
identifier.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
secret.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,