pVM DICE Chain

Unlike KeyMint, which only needs a vendor DICE chain, the pVM DICE chain combines the vendor‘s DICE chain with additional pVM DICE nodes describing the protected VM’s environment.

The full RKP VM DICE chain, starting from UDS_Pub rooted in ROM, is sent to the RKP server during pVM remote attestation.

Key derivation

Key derivation is a critical step in the DICE handover process within pvmfw. Vendors need to ensure that both pvmfw and their final DICE node use the same method to derive a key pair from CDI_Attest in order to maintain a valid certificate chain. Pvmfw use open-dice with the following formula:

CDI_Attest_pub, CDI_Attest_priv = KDF_ASYM(KDF(CDI_Attest))

Where KDF = HKDF-SHA-512 (RFC 5869).

Currently, KDF_ASYM = Ed25519, but EC p-384 and p-256 (RFC 6979) support is coming soon.

Vendors must use a supported algorithm for the last DICE node to ensure compatibility and chain integrity.


To verify that the DICE handover is successful in pvmfw and eventually the pVM has a valid DICE chain, you can run the VSR test MicrodroidTests#protectedVmHasValidDiceChain. The test retrieves the DICE chain from within a Microdroid VM in protected mode and checks the following properties using the hwtrust library:

  1. All the fields in the DICE chain conform to Android Profile for DICE.
  2. The DICE chain is a valid certificate chain, where the subject public key in each certificate can be used to verify the signature of the next certificate.