Remove the daily job

This was only intended for testing, and we're passed that stage
now. We now only run compilation after an APEX is staged.

Also make a small fix so cancel also calls unlinkToDeath.

Bug: 220146954
Bug: 205296305
Test: Presubmit
Test: cmd jobscheduler get-job-state android 5132250 -> not found
Test: Stage apex, run the job, let it succeed, check logs
Test: Stage apex, run the job, cancel it, check logs
Change-Id: I54e44abaefe195e947c7965cee8c37c0b3680a1a
3 files changed
tree: ce14c16be02af79ccc27fb89f458e3aa3ddcec31
  1. .prebuilt_info/
  2. apex/
  3. apkdmverity/
  4. authfs/
  5. compos/
  6. demo/
  7. docs/
  8. javalib/
  9. launcher/
  10. libs/
  11. microdroid/
  12. microdroid_manager/
  13. pvmfw/
  14. tests/
  15. virtualizationservice/
  16. vm/
  17. zipfuse/
  18. .clang-format
  19. .gitignore
  20. Android.bp
  21. OWNERS
  22. PREUPLOAD.cfg


This repository contains userspace services related to running virtual machines on Android, especially protected virtual machines. See the getting started documentation and Microdroid README for more information.