Allow CompOS VM to use all CPUs by default

In early boot, if dalvik.vm.boot-dex2oat-threads is not specified,
dex2oat will run in #CPU threads.

Currently, we're still using one CPU in the VM if
dalvik.vm.boot-dex2oat-threads not specified. This change gives the VM
the same number of CPUs, which will allow dex2oat to leverage all CPUs.

Bug: 197358423
Test: Run `composd_cmd staged-apex-compile` on oriole
      # Before: ~90s
      # After:  ~60s
Test: enable adb, check /proc/cpuinfo
Change-Id: Ifb8908ab44eacf42960f6e4d9b12edca6370d594
3 files changed
tree: e7bbdd80c45b47c2de0868538031745517e3cdea
  1. apex/
  2. apkdmverity/
  3. apkverify/
  4. authfs/
  5. binder_common/
  6. compos/
  7. demo/
  8. docs/
  9. idsig/
  10. javalib/
  11. launcher/
  12. libs/
  13. microdroid/
  14. microdroid_manager/
  15. pvmfw/
  16. statslog_virtualization/
  17. tests/
  18. virtualizationservice/
  19. vm/
  20. vmconfig/
  21. zipfuse/
  22. .clang-format
  23. .gitignore
  24. Android.bp
  25. OWNERS
  26. PREUPLOAD.cfg


This repository contains userspace services related to running virtual machines on Android, especially protected virtual machines. See the getting started documentation and Microdroid README for more information.