| 42 answer (to life the universe etc|3) |
| 314 pi |
| 1003 auditd (avc|3) |
| 1004 chatty (dropped|3) |
| 1005 tag_def (tag|1),(name|3),(format|3) |
| 1006 liblog (dropped|1) |
| 2718 e |
| 2720 sync (id|3),(event|1|5),(source|1|5),(account|1|5) |
| 2740 location_controller |
| 2741 force_gc (reason|3) |
| 2742 tickle (authority|3) |
| 2747 contacts_aggregation (aggregation time|2|3), (count|1|1) |
| 3000 boot_progress_start (time|2|3) |
| 3020 boot_progress_preload_start (time|2|3) |
| 3030 boot_progress_preload_end (time|2|3) |
| 20003 dvm_lock_sample (process|3),(main|1|5),(thread|3),(time|1|3),(file|3),(line|1|5),(ownerfile|3),(ownerline|1|5),(sample_percent|1|6) |
| 20004 art_hidden_api_access (access_method|1),(flags|1),(class|3),(member|3),(type_signature|3) |
| 50000 menu_item_selected (Menu type where 0 is options and 1 is context|1|5),(Menu item title|3) |
| 50001 menu_opened (Menu type where 0 is options and 1 is context|1|5) |
| 50021 wifi_state_changed (wifi_state|3) |
| 50022 wifi_event_handled (wifi_event|1|5) |
| 50023 wifi_supplicant_state_changed (supplicant_state|1|5) |
| 52000 db_sample (db|3),(sql|3),(time|1|3),(blocking_package|3),(sample_percent|1|6) |
| 52001 http_stats (useragent|3),(response|2|3),(processing|2|3),(tx|1|2),(rx|1|2) |
| 60000 viewroot_draw (Draw time|1|3) |
| 60001 viewroot_layout (Layout time|1|3) |
| 60002 view_build_drawing_cache (View created drawing cache|1|5) |
| 60003 view_use_drawing_cache (View drawn using bitmap cache|1|5) |
| 70200 aggregation (aggregation time|2|3) |
| 70201 aggregation_test (field1|1|2),(field2|1|2),(field3|1|2),(field4|1|2),(field5|1|2) |
| 70220 gms_unknown |
| 75000 sqlite_mem_alarm_current (current|1|2) |
| 75001 sqlite_mem_alarm_max (max|1|2) |
| 75002 sqlite_mem_alarm_alloc_attempt (attempts|1|4) |
| 75003 sqlite_mem_released (Memory released|1|2) |
| 75004 sqlite_db_corrupt (Database file corrupt|3) |
| 80100 bionic_event_memcpy_buffer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80105 bionic_event_strcat_buffer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80110 bionic_event_memmov_buffer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80115 bionic_event_strncat_buffer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80120 bionic_event_strncpy_buffer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80125 bionic_event_memset_buffer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80130 bionic_event_strcpy_buffer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80200 bionic_event_strcat_integer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80205 bionic_event_strncat_integer_overflow (uid|1) |
| 80300 bionic_event_resolver_old_response (uid|1) |
| 80305 bionic_event_resolver_wrong_server (uid|1) |
| 80310 bionic_event_resolver_wrong_query (uid|1) |
| 90100 exp_det_cert_pin_failure (certs|4) |
| 1397638484 snet_event_log (subtag|3) (uid|1) (message|3) |
| 1937006964 stats_log (atom_id|1|5),(data|4) |