Search for CompOsPayloadApp/EmptyPayloadApp with extensions

There are Google variants of these apps internally, but currently
they use the `stem` property to rename their final apk to match the
non-google version. This is a problem because these two modules end up
conflicting if they're both exported to make. Currently, the fact that
they're included in apexes hides that they're exported to make, but
we're changing that behavior.

Bug: 254205429
Test: Presubmits
Change-Id: Id3e81650ea41fc4268b69c0ffcf28afa931d8a15
3 files changed
tree: 78b28acad714602985b367ccb006f67e5ee958c6
  1. apex/
  2. apkdmverity/
  3. authfs/
  4. avmd/
  5. compos/
  6. demo/
  7. docs/
  8. encryptedstore/
  9. javalib/
  10. launcher/
  11. libs/
  12. microdroid/
  13. microdroid_manager/
  14. pvmfw/
  15. rialto/
  16. tests/
  17. virtualizationmanager/
  18. virtualizationservice/
  19. vm/
  20. vm_payload/
  21. vmbase/
  22. vmclient/
  23. zipfuse/
  24. .clang-format
  25. .gitignore
  26. Android.bp
  27. OWNERS
  28. PREUPLOAD.cfg


This repository contains userspace services related to running virtual machines on Android, especially protected virtual machines. See the getting started documentation and Microdroid README for more information.