Partial Config Update: event metric

Step 1. Determines if a metric needs to be updated
Step 2: performs the update. if the metric is replaced, it creates a new
metric. If the metric is preserved, we update the appropriate indices.
In both cases, the appropriate data structures that MetricsManager
relies on are updated.

Test: atest_statsd_test
Bug: 162322294
Bug: 176249205
Bug: 176248686
Merged-In: I751e2c7c8bbbd819f216821cbf4f0ec315c4563b
Change-Id: Iac24e02c70880bb8d0d42bd2da34acf84161ba16
11 files changed
tree: 0148b9f9490965d610f4ffba74328214adef52bf
  1. aidl/
  2. apex/
  3. bin/
  4. framework/
  5. lib/
  6. service/
  7. tests/