Using role for permission protection

Since Android S, it is possible to use role as a protection flag for permission definitions. This allows more fine-grained control over which apps may get certain permissions, instead of the signature or privileged protection that allows any platform-signed or privileged app to obtain the permission. This was previously achieved via role-like protection flags, e.g. installer and verifier, but they are essentially roles with a poorer implementation, and each of them takes one bit from the protection flags so that we will be running out of bits soon.

The following outlines how to add a new permission with the role protection flag.

Add (or modify) the permission definition

Edit frameworks/base/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml to add your new permission:

<!-- The javadoc for your new permission. -->
    android:protectionLevel="internal|role" />

The choice of android:protectionLevel depends on your actual situation/requirements. More specifically:

  • internal|role: This enforces that only role may grant this permission to apps, which is the preferred protection if possible.
  • signature|role: This allows platform-signed apps to get this permission in addition to role grants.
  • <previous-protection-level>|role: Adding the role protection flag while keeping the original protection level of an existing permission may allow a smoother transition to role permission protection.

Add the role

Edit roles.xml to add your new role:

        <permission name="android.permission.YOUR_NEW_PERMISSION" />

The role is named with the SYSTEM_ prefix to indicate that it is an invisible and system app only role. The config resource config_systemYourRoleName will be added in the next step, and more details about role are available in Android Role for system developers. The minSdkVersion attribute should normally be set to the current SDK version, to avoid making the role available on older platforms.

If you are writing a CTS test for an API protected by an internal|role permission, you probably want to grant the permission to Shell as well. This can be achieved by adding the permission to the SYSTEM_SHELL role in roles.xml.

Add the default role holder config

Now that we have a role, we need to define a platform config resource to initialize it with your desired package name so that it may obtain the permission.

Edit frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml to add your new config resource:

<string name="config_systemYourRoleName" translatable="false"></string>

You may also leave the package name empty in platform and override in a device/vendor-specific overlay.

Since role is modularized, we also need to make this config resource a system API for access by role.

Edit frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/public.xml to expose the new config resource as a system API:

<public-group type="string" first-id="0xXXXXXXXX">
    <!-- @hide @SystemApi -->
    <public name="config_systemYourRoleName" />

Then run m update-api to update the API text files.

Upload the changes for review

Finally, upload the changes to Gerrit in one topic, then add the appropriate owners for review. Once the changes are submitted, you will have a working role protected permission.