Unbundled manifest changes to support experiment

Bug: 241104067
Test: Manually confirmed during development as follows:

Toggling the experiment flag by
  adb shell cmd statusbar flag 1500 <on/off>
and confirming the runtime-selected activity by
  adb logcat | grep action.CHOOSER
(where the ActivityTaskManager line will specify
cmp=android/com.android.internal.app.ChooserActivity for the
framework [legacy] chooser, and
cmp=com.android.intentresolver/.ChooserActivity for the
bundled [experimental] chooser), observe:

 [1] Flag is ignored (always starting framework chooser) at
     head, or as written in this CL except without the new
     "category.DEFAULT" line (as would be expected; that
     category is mandatory to be considered for implicit
     intent resolution & was only missing by an oversight).

 [2] As written in this CL, the correct activities are
     chosen according to the configured flag value (and the
     `enabled="false"` part of the manifest doesn't preclude
     ChooserSelector from re-enabling it per the flag).

 [3] As written in this CL but without overriding the
     priority, the experimental chooser was only selected
     when the framework component was additionally disabled:
       adb shell pm disable \
     ; thus the priority change is necessary for the
     experimental chooser to be able to take precedence
     when it is enabled (as expected).

 [4] As written in this CL but replacing the new manifest
     attribute to read `enabled="true"`, the experimental
     chooser is still selected if and only if the flag is
     enabled (thus confirming our expectations that
     ChooserSelector overrides with the correct behavior
     regardless of our configuration, and that we're only
     setting `enabled="false"` as a precaution).

Change-Id: I8bc3bfecec78a8b2055b060148970656c2a61c55
1 file changed