Merge Android 14 QPR2 to AOSP main

Bug: 319669529
Merged-In: Ifecdd1cd8d47fc2d71aecd13b8155cb976a96ba3
Change-Id: I0836ddc9b10b1742c01128edf305c5bb05169742
tree: ff0874151c073d757c20d0196a2bb3599efa7f0d
  1. apex/
  2. java/
  3. jni/
  4. native/
  5. .clang-format
  6. Android.bp
  7. AndroidManifest.xml
  8. EmptyManifest.xml
  9. jarjar-rules.txt
  10. NOTICE
  11. OWNERS
  12. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  13. proguard.proguard

ExtServices module


ExtServices is an updatable Mainline module that contains the logic used by Android framework components such as storage cache, autofill, textclassifier, package watchdog, notifications and notification ranking that runs continually. These are algorithms for framework, making the module updatable to introduce the new features or bug fixes more frequently with monthly release than a platform quarter release cycle.

Development (internal)

Before you start to develop on ExtServices, please read go/smart-os-extservices to get the guideline.

Other resources