blob: 6f4faddd1f189eddcd1694b3a0052b29bddb9677 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package service.proto;
import "src/fastpair/cache.proto";
// A device that has been Fast Paired with.
message FastPairDeviceWithAccountKey {
// The account key which was written to the device after pairing completed.
bytes account_key = 1;
// The stored discovery item which represents the notification that should be
// associated with the device. Note, this is stored as a raw byte array
// instead of StoredDiscoveryItem because icing only supports proto lite and
// StoredDiscoveryItem is handed around as a nano proto in implementation,
// which are not compatible with each other.
StoredDiscoveryItem discovery_item = 3;
// SHA256 of "account key + headset's public address", this is used to
// identify the paired headset. Because of adding account key to generate the
// hash value, it makes the information anonymous, even for the same headset,
// different accounts have different values.
bytes sha256_account_key_public_address = 4;
// Deprecated fields.
reserved 2;