blob: d4c7c3d02805154d2444a1ae311222c3b7e670fe [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package service.proto;
import "src/fastpair/rpcs.proto";
import "src/fastpair/fast_pair_string.proto";
// db information for Fast Pair that gets from server.
message ServerResponseDbItem {
// Device's model id.
string model_id = 1;
// Response was received from the server. Contains data needed to display
// FastPair notification such as device name, txPower of device, image used
// in the notification, etc.
GetObservedDeviceResponse get_observed_device_response = 2;
// The timestamp that make the server fetch.
int64 last_fetch_info_timestamp_millis = 3;
// Whether the item in the cache is expirable or not (when offline mode this
// will be false).
bool expirable = 4;
// Client side scan result.
message StoredScanResult {
// Unique ID generated based on scan result
string id = 1;
NearbyType type = 2;
// The most recent all upper case mac associated with this item.
// (Mac-to-DiscoveryItem is a many-to-many relationship)
string mac_address = 4;
// Beacon's RSSI value
int32 rssi = 10;
// Beacon's tx power
int32 tx_power = 11;
// The mac address encoded in beacon advertisement. Currently only used by
// chromecast.
string device_setup_mac = 12;
// Uptime of the device in minutes. Stops incrementing at 255.
int32 uptime_minutes = 13;
// Client timestamp when the beacon was first observed in BLE scan.
int64 first_observation_timestamp_millis = 14;
// Client timestamp when the beacon was last observed in BLE scan.
int64 last_observation_timestamp_millis = 15;
// Deprecated fields.
reserved 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
// Data for a DiscoveryItem created from server response and client scan result.
// Only caching original data from scan result, server response, timestamps
// and user actions. Do not save generated data in this object.
// Next ID: 50
message StoredDiscoveryItem {
enum State {
// Default unknown state.
// The item is normal.
// The item has been muted by user.
// The item has been disabled by us (likely temporarily).
// The status of the item.
// TODO(b/204409421) remove enum
enum DebugMessageCategory {
// Default unknown state.
// The item is valid and visible in notification.
// The item made it to list but not to notification.
// The item is filtered out on client. Never made it to list view.
// The item is filtered out by server. Never made it to client.
enum ExperienceType {
// Offline item: unique ID generated on client.
// Online item: unique ID generated on server.
string id = 1;
// The most recent all upper case mac associated with this item.
// (Mac-to-DiscoveryItem is a many-to-many relationship)
string mac_address = 4;
string action_url = 5;
// The bluetooth device name from advertisment
string device_name = 6;
// Item's title
string title = 7;
// Item's description.
string description = 8;
// The URL for display
string display_url = 9;
// Client timestamp when the beacon was last observed in BLE scan.
int64 last_observation_timestamp_millis = 10;
// Client timestamp when the beacon was first observed in BLE scan.
int64 first_observation_timestamp_millis = 11;
// Item's current state. e.g. if the item is blocked.
State state = 17;
// The resolved url type for the action_url.
ResolvedUrlType action_url_type = 19;
// The timestamp when the user is redirected to Play Store after clicking on
// the item.
int64 pending_app_install_timestamp_millis = 20;
// Beacon's RSSI value
int32 rssi = 22;
// Beacon's tx power
int32 tx_power = 23;
// Human readable name of the app designated to open the uri
// Used in the second line of the notification, "Open in {} app"
string app_name = 25;
// The timestamp when the attachment was created on PBS server. In case there
// are duplicate
// items with the same scanId/groupID, only show the one with the latest
// timestamp.
int64 attachment_creation_sec = 28;
// Package name of the App that owns this item.
string package_name = 30;
// The average star rating of the app.
float star_rating = 31;
// TriggerId identifies the trigger/beacon that is attached with a message.
// It's generated from server for online messages to synchronize formatting
// across client versions.
// Example:
// * BLE_UID: 3||deadbeef
// * BLE_URL:
// See go/discovery-store-message-and-trigger-id for more details.
string trigger_id = 34;
// Bytes of item icon in PNG format displayed in Discovery item list.
bytes icon_png = 36;
// A FIFE URL of the item icon displayed in Discovery item list.
string icon_fife_url = 49;
// See equivalent field in NearbyItem.
bytes authentication_public_key_secp256r1 = 45;
// See equivalent field in NearbyItem.
FastPairInformation fast_pair_information = 46;
// Companion app detail.
CompanionAppDetails companion_detail = 47;
// Fast pair strings
FastPairStrings fast_pair_strings = 48;
// Deprecated fields.
reserved 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44;
enum ResolvedUrlType {
// The url is resolved to a web page that is not a play store app.
// This can be considered as the default resolved type when it's
// not the other specific types.
// The url is resolved to the Google Play store app
// ie.
APP = 2;
enum DiscoveryAttachmentType {
// The attachment is posted in the prod namespace (without "-debug")
// The attachment is posted in the debug namespace (with "-debug")
// Additional information relevant only for Fast Pair devices.
message FastPairInformation {
// When true, Fast Pair will only create a bond with the device and not
// attempt to connect any profiles (for example, A2DP or HFP).
bool data_only_connection = 1;
// Additional images that are attached specifically for true wireless Fast
// Pair devices.
TrueWirelessHeadsetImages true_wireless_images = 3;
// When true, this device can support assistant function.
bool assistant_supported = 4;
// Features supported by the Fast Pair device.
repeated FastPairFeature features = 5;
// Optional, the name of the company producing this Fast Pair device.
string company_name = 6;
// Optional, the type of device.
DeviceType device_type = 7;
reserved 2;
enum NearbyType {
// Proximity Beacon Service (PBS). This is the only type of nearbyItems which
// can be customized by 3p and therefore the intents passed should not be
// completely trusted. Deprecated already.
// Physical Web URL beacon. Deprecated already.
// Chromecast beacon. Used on client-side only.
// Wear beacon. Used on client-side only.
// A device (e.g. a Magic Pair device that needs to be set up). The special-
// case devices above (e.g. ChromeCast, Wear) might migrate to this type.
// Popular apps/urls based on user's current geo-location.
reserved 5;
// A locally cached Fast Pair device associating an account key with the
// bluetooth address of the device.
message StoredFastPairItem {
// The device's public mac address.
string mac_address = 1;
// The account key written to the device.
bytes account_key = 2;
// When user need to update provider name, enable this value to trigger
// writing new name to provider.
bool need_to_update_provider_name = 3;
// The retry times to update name into provider.
int32 update_name_retries = 4;
// Latest firmware version from the server.
string latest_firmware_version = 5;
// The firmware version that is on the device.
string device_firmware_version = 6;
// The timestamp from the last time we fetched the firmware version from the
// device.
int64 last_check_firmware_timestamp_millis = 7;
// The timestamp from the last time we fetched the firmware version from
// server.
int64 last_server_query_timestamp_millis = 8;
// Only allows one bloom filter check process to create gatt connection and
// try to read the firmware version value.
bool can_read_firmware = 9;
// Device's model id.
string model_id = 10;
// Features that this Fast Pair device supports.
repeated FastPairFeature features = 11;
// Keeps the stored discovery item in local cache, we can have most
// information of fast pair device locally without through footprints, i.e. we
// can have most fast pair features locally.
StoredDiscoveryItem discovery_item = 12;
// When true, the latest uploaded event to FMA is connected. We use
// it as the previous ACL state when getting the BluetoothAdapter STATE_OFF to
// determine if need to upload the disconnect event to FMA.
bool fma_state_is_connected = 13;
// Device's buffer size range.
repeated BufferSizeRange buffer_size_range = 18;
// The additional account key if this device could be associated with multiple
// accounts. Notes that for this device, the account_key field is the basic
// one which will not be associated with the accounts.
repeated bytes additional_account_key = 19;
// Deprecated fields.
reserved 14, 15, 16, 17;
// Contains information about Fast Pair devices stored through our scanner.
// Next ID: 29
message ScanFastPairStoreItem {
// Device's model id.
string model_id = 1;
// Device's RSSI value
int32 rssi = 2;
// Device's tx power
int32 tx_power = 3;
// Bytes of item icon in PNG format displayed in Discovery item list.
bytes icon_png = 4;
// A FIFE URL of the item icon displayed in Discovery item list.
string icon_fife_url = 28;
// Device name like "Bose QC 35".
string device_name = 5;
// Client timestamp when user last saw Fast Pair device.
int64 last_observation_timestamp_millis = 6;
// Action url after user click the notification.
string action_url = 7;
// Device's bluetooth address.
string address = 8;
// The computed threshold rssi value that would trigger FastPair notifications
int32 threshold_rssi = 9;
// Populated with the contents of the bloom filter in the event that
// the scanned device is advertising a bloom filter instead of a model id
bytes bloom_filter = 10;
// Device name from the BLE scan record
string ble_device_name = 11;
// Strings used for the FastPair UI
FastPairStrings fast_pair_strings = 12;
// A key used to authenticate advertising device.
// See NearbyItem.authentication_public_key_secp256r1 for more information.
bytes anti_spoofing_public_key = 13;
// When true, Fast Pair will only create a bond with the device and not
// attempt to connect any profiles (for example, A2DP or HFP).
bool data_only_connection = 14;
// The type of the manufacturer (first party, third party, etc).
int32 manufacturer_type_num = 15;
// Additional images that are attached specifically for true wireless Fast
// Pair devices.
TrueWirelessHeadsetImages true_wireless_images = 16;
// When true, this device can support assistant function.
bool assistant_supported = 17;
// Optional, the name of the company producing this Fast Pair device.
string company_name = 18;
// Features supported by the Fast Pair device.
FastPairFeature features = 19;
// The interaction type that this scan should trigger
InteractionType interaction_type = 20;
// The copy of the advertisement bytes, used to pass along to other
// apps that use Fast Pair as the discovery vehicle.
bytes full_ble_record = 21;
// Companion app related information
CompanionAppDetails companion_detail = 22;
// Client timestamp when user first saw Fast Pair device.
int64 first_observation_timestamp_millis = 23;
// The type of the device (wearable, headphones, etc).
int32 device_type_num = 24;
// The type of notification (app launch smart setup, etc).
NotificationType notification_type = 25;
// The customized title.
string customized_title = 26;
// The customized description.
string customized_description = 27;