Fix CtsNetUtils connectTo/disconnectFromWifi

connectToWifi needs to clear the wifi networks blacklist before calling
reconnect(), otherwise wifi may not reconnect if the previous network
was blacklisted.

disconnectFromWifi should not wait for a onLost callback if wifi was
already disconnected.

Test: atest CtsNetTestCasesLatestSdk:ConnectivityManagerTest
Test: atest CtsNetApi23TestCases
Bug: 150949391
Merged-In: I244b91bdd8708694fce9f10d92b8b6646d28188f
Change-Id: I244b91bdd8708694fce9f10d92b8b6646d28188f
2 files changed
tree: 07d8cb0093d2b9123cb6ddd5397d84a21042d2f6
  1. tests/