Move NetworkMonitorUtils to net-utils-device-common lib.

Move the NetworkMonitorUtils class from NetworkStack module to
frameworks/libs/net, then we can remove the filegroups defined
in NetworkStack module which are shared with Connectivity module.
Import the net-utils-device-common lib instead.

Update the NetworkMonitorUtils#isValidationRequired() first param type
to make the migration easier, change the NetworkAgentConfigShim type
param to boolean, which can be passed by the caller directly such as in
ConnectivityServiceTest or NetworkMonitor, then we don't need to add
static lib to support NetworkAgentConfigShim, not easy to support.

Bug: 238960524
Test: m
Change-Id: I72dfb5902dea0e7ddb2c33a08f874fe36adcbeec
2 files changed
tree: cab0dcdd1e60bb207731888cd8c795bcf905f47f
  1. staticlibs/