PBAP: Apply listStartOffset in the final list.

Have 2 numbers with same name, with different handles, for example
1.vcf and 5.vcf on DUT

1) Connect from carkit for PBAP
2) Search by name, with offset - 0
3) Search by name, with offset - 1
4) Search by name, with offset - 2

Expected behaviour
Carkit is able to show correct list with offset as specified by user

Observed result
 ListStartOffset does not work as expected for PullvCardListing Function.

This change will apply the offet value in the final list of vcard values prepared after comparing
with the search value as per the specification. ListStartOffset was being applied on the original
list of names earlier returning extra set of values of names while Vcardlisting.

Test: Perform the usecase as described above and at step2, 1.vcf and 5.vcf are shown,
at step3, 5.vcf are shown and at step4, Nothing is shown.

Bug: 35026764
Change-Id: I36d757a12d0cc94628d4f4ad91c9370397035c4e
2 files changed
tree: 8586208f06dfd03d0b75968f0d6dd6037caa3f8e
  1. android/