Custom Android Lint checks are written here to be executed against Bluetooth Java and Kotlin source code. These will appear as part of errorprone builds, which are notably ran as part of pre/post-submit testing of Bluetooth code.
While lint checks should be automatically run by Gerrit, you may want to run it manually on the code base.
Step 1: Build the lint report:
m Bluetooth-lint
Step 2: Find your lint output:
croot; find out/soong/.intermediates/packages/modules/Bluetooth/ -type f -name "*lint-report*" -print;
aninja -t query Bluetooth-lint
Step 3: Identify the lint report you want to view the results of, typically in the following format:
Step 4: Open the file in your favorite web browser.
Unit tests can be ran with the following command:
atest BluetoothLintCheckerTest --host