tree: 2a62829c243fad4cb092c29aa5ea88b631830ec6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. chromeos/
  2. common/
  3. facade/
  4. facade_proto/
  5. gddi/
  6. linux/
  7. packets/
  8. shim/
  9. stack/
  10. topshim/

Rust build

Currently, the Rust components are built differently on Android vs Linux. We are missing Rust support in our GN toolchain so we currently build the Rust libraries as a staticlib and link in C++. This may change in the future once we have better support.

For now, you can build all of the Rust code using Cargo.

There are some dependencies:

  • You must have the protobuf-compiler package installed
  • You must have a recent version of Cargo + Rust

You should use at the root to do your Rust builds so that it correctly points your dependencies towards the vendored crates and sets your $CARGO_HOME to the correct location.

Building packets package

This package depends on bluetooth_packetgen and thus simply using cargo build will fail. Follow the steps below to ensure the dependency is found in $CARGO_HOME/bin.

  1. Run m -j32 bluetooth_packetgen to compile bluetooth_packetgen c++ binary.
  2. Change directory to $CARGO_HOME/bin.
  3. Create a symlink in $CARGO_HOME/bin to compiled bluetooth_packetgen. ln -s ~/aosp/out/host/linux-x86/bin/bluetooth_packetgen bluetooth_packetgen

Enable GD Rust

  1. adb shell device_config put bluetooth INIT_gd_rust true
  2. Restart the device