Update Traceur's trace buffer sizes

This change modifies how Traceur allocates memory to its trace buffers.
The high/low-volume userspace buffers are now sized as 63/64 and 1/64 of
the total buffer space (# cores * per-CPU buffer size). Previously, the
high-volume buffer was set as (# cores * per-CPU buffer size), and the
low-volume buffer was a static 2048 KB.

Bug: 228553990
Test: Check that 1) tracing still works as expected, and 2) the configs
      used for system traces show that:
      - each trace buffer's 'size_kb' is correct for the different
        per-CPU buffer-size options
Change-Id: If708e13e629f089ea5fcdf78866b76c585a7d27d
1 file changed