am 6cc4f4bc: Cleanup of some testcases. Addition of some testcases. Removed print statement in BleAdvertiseApiTest Created BeaconSwarmTest for raspbi testbed. Fixed BleAttenuatorTest to work with the new framework. Added Bugs test to test various bugs. (sandbox area)

* commit '6cc4f4bc96ad5a34c878806b0c7d6313a6eb0693':
  Cleanup of some testcases. Addition of some testcases. Removed print statement in BleAdvertiseApiTest Created BeaconSwarmTest for raspbi testbed. Fixed BleAttenuatorTest to work with the new framework. Added Bugs test to test various bugs. (sandbox area) Added low latency scanning and advertising for tests     that don't rely on it. This speeds up many tests. Changed a mispelling in Added documentation to these test suites:     BleScanApiTest, BeaconSwarmTest, BleAttenuatorTest, Added enums to BleEnum: BluetoothGattCharacteristic,     BluetoothGattDescriptor, BluetoothGattService