Revert "Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp APIs ..."

Revert "Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp APIs ..."

Revert submission 10303287-revert-10253996-bt-a2dp-no-null-FQRXACWPIA

Reason for revert: Fixing breakage
Reverted Changes:
I4d9f2f819:Revert "Make sure calls to BluetoothA2dp APIs pass...
I771ca0d57:Revert "Need to now pass in active device instead ...
I76529c7a1:Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp...
I297bda68d:Revert "Require user pass in a non-null BluetoothD...
I525327959:Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp...
I1d8660b11:Revert "Pass in active device to all BluetoothA2dp...

Bug: 147287141
Test: Manual
Merged-In: Ibbfa5cf5f189ca28b3589af827815747dbc4085e
Change-Id: Ibbfa5cf5f189ca28b3589af827815747dbc4085e
diff --git a/PMC/src/com/android/pmc/ b/PMC/src/com/android/pmc/
index 843f7ae..162d864 100644
--- a/PMC/src/com/android/pmc/
+++ b/PMC/src/com/android/pmc/
@@ -403,7 +403,12 @@
         BluetoothCodecConfig[] codecsSelectableCapabilities = null;
         if (mBluetoothA2dp != null) {
-            codecStatus = mBluetoothA2dp.getCodecStatus(null);  // Use current active device
+            BluetoothDevice activeDevice = mBluetoothA2dp.getActiveDevice();
+            if (activeDevice == null) {
+                Log.e(TAG, "getCodecValue: Active device is null");
+                return null;
+            }
+            codecStatus = mBluetoothA2dp.getCodecStatus(activeDevice);
             if (codecStatus != null) {
                 codecConfig = codecStatus.getCodecConfig();
                 codecsLocalCapabilities = codecStatus.getCodecsLocalCapabilities();
@@ -465,8 +470,13 @@
         if (mBluetoothA2dp != null) {
+            BluetoothDevice activeDevice = mBluetoothA2dp.getActiveDevice();
+            if (activeDevice == null) {
+                Log.e(TAG, "setCodecValue: Active device is null. Codec is not set.");
+                return false;
+            }
             Log.d(TAG, "setCodecConfigPreference()");
-            mBluetoothA2dp.setCodecConfigPreference(null, codecConfig); // Use current active device
+            mBluetoothA2dp.setCodecConfigPreference(mBluetoothA2dp.getActiveDevice(), codecConfig);
         } else {
             Log.e(TAG, "mBluetoothA2dp is null. Codec is not set");
             return false;