blob: 1df328a30fa3a85f7eafa2b21b44d0814aad1930 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.googlecode.android_scripting.facade.bluetooth;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.le.BluetoothLeScanner;
import android.bluetooth.le.ScanCallback;
import android.bluetooth.le.ScanFilter;
import android.bluetooth.le.ScanFilter.Builder;
import android.bluetooth.le.ScanResult;
import android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.ParcelUuid;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.ConvertUtils;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.Log;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.MainThread;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.facade.EventFacade;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.facade.FacadeManager;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.jsonrpc.RpcReceiver;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.Rpc;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcMinSdk;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcOptional;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcParameter;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcStartEvent;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcStopEvent;
* BluetoothLe Scan functions.
public class BluetoothLeScanFacade extends RpcReceiver {
private final EventFacade mEventFacade;
private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter;
private static int ScanCallbackCount;
private static int FilterListCount;
private static int ScanSettingsCount;
private final Service mService;
private final BluetoothLeScanner mScanner;
private android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings.Builder mScanSettingsBuilder;
private Builder mScanFilterBuilder;
private final HashMap<Integer, myScanCallback> mScanCallbackList;
private final HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ScanFilter>> mScanFilterList;
private final HashMap<Integer, ScanSettings> mScanSettingsList;
public BluetoothLeScanFacade(FacadeManager manager) {
mService = manager.getService();
mBluetoothAdapter =,
new Callable<BluetoothAdapter>() {
public BluetoothAdapter call() throws Exception {
return BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
mScanner = mBluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeScanner();
mEventFacade = manager.getReceiver(EventFacade.class);
mScanFilterList = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ScanFilter>>();
mScanSettingsList = new HashMap<Integer, ScanSettings>();
mScanCallbackList = new HashMap<Integer, myScanCallback>();
mScanFilterBuilder = new Builder();
mScanSettingsBuilder = new android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings.Builder();
* Constructs a myScanCallback obj and returns its index
* @return Integer myScanCallback.index
@Rpc(description = "Generate a new myScanCallback Object")
public Integer genScanCallback() {
ScanCallbackCount += 1;
int index = ScanCallbackCount;
myScanCallback mScan = new myScanCallback(index);
mScanCallbackList.put(mScan.index, mScan);
return mScan.index;
* Constructs a new filter list array and returns its index
* @return Integer index
@Rpc(description = "Generate a new Filter list")
public Integer genFilterList() {
FilterListCount += 1;
int index = FilterListCount;
mScanFilterList.put(index, new ArrayList<ScanFilter>());
return index;
* Constructs a new filter list array and returns its index
* @return Integer index
@Rpc(description = "Generate a new Filter list")
public Integer buildScanFilter(
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex
) {
mScanFilterBuilder = new Builder();
return mScanFilterList.get(filterIndex).size()-1;
* Constructs a new scan setting and returns its index
* @return Integer index
@Rpc(description = "Generate a new scan settings Object")
public Integer buildScanSetting() {
ScanSettingsCount += 1;
int index = ScanSettingsCount;
mScanSettingsBuilder = new android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings.Builder();
return index;
* Removes a scan setting
* @return Integer index
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Removes a scan setting")
public void deleteScanSetting(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index
) throws Exception {
if (mScanSettingsList.get(index) != null) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Removes a scan callback
* @return Integer index
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Removes a scan callback")
public void deleteScanCallback(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index
) throws Exception {
if (mScanCallbackList.get(index) != null) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Removes a filter list
* @return Integer index
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Removes a filter list")
public void deleteFilterList(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index
) throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Stops a ble scan
* @param index the id of the myScan whose ScanCallback to stop
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Stops an ongoing ble advertisement scan")
public void stopBleScan(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index) throws Exception {
Log.d("bluetooth_le_scan mScanCallback " + index);
if (mScanCallbackList.get(index) != null) {
myScanCallback mScanCallback = mScanCallbackList.get(index);
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Starts a ble scan
* @param index the id of the myScan whose ScanCallback to start
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Starts a ble advertisement scan")
public void startBleScan(
@RpcParameter(name = "filterListIndex")
Integer filterListIndex,
@RpcParameter(name = "scanSettingsIndex")
Integer scanSettingsIndex,
@RpcParameter(name = "callbackIndex")
Integer callbackIndex
) throws Exception {
Log.d("bluetooth_le_scan starting a background scan");
ArrayList<ScanFilter> mScanFilters = new ArrayList<ScanFilter>();
mScanFilters.add(new ScanFilter.Builder().build());
ScanSettings mScanSettings = new ScanSettings.Builder().build();
if (mScanFilterList.get(filterListIndex) != null) {
mScanFilters = mScanFilterList.get(filterListIndex);
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterListIndex input:"
+ Integer.toString(filterListIndex));
if (mScanSettingsList.get(scanSettingsIndex) != null) {
mScanSettings = mScanSettingsList.get(scanSettingsIndex);
} else if (!mScanSettingsList.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Invalid scanSettingsIndex input:"
+ Integer.toString(scanSettingsIndex));
if (mScanCallbackList.get(callbackIndex) != null) {
mScanner.startScan(mScanFilters, mScanSettings, mScanCallbackList.get(callbackIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterListIndex input:"
+ Integer.toString(filterListIndex));
* Trigger onBatchScanResults
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Gets the results of the ble ScanCallback")
public void flushPendingScanResults(
@RpcParameter(name = "callbackIndex")
Integer callbackIndex
) throws Exception {
if (mScanCallbackList.get(callbackIndex) != null) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid callbackIndex input:"
+ Integer.toString(callbackIndex));
* Set scanSettings for ble scan. Note: You have to set all variables at once.
* @param callbackType Bluetooth LE scan callback type
* @param reportDelaySeconds Time of delay for reporting the scan result
* @param scanMode Bluetooth LE scan mode.
* @param scanResultType Bluetooth LE scan result type
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Set a new Scan Setting for ble scanning")
public void setScanSettings(
@RpcParameter(name = "callbackType")
Integer callbackType,
@RpcParameter(name = "reportDelaySeconds")
Integer reportDelaySeconds,
@RpcParameter(name = "scanMode")
Integer scanMode,
@RpcParameter(name = "scanResultType")
Integer scanResultType) {
* Get ScanSetting's callback type
* @param index the ScanSetting object to use
* @return the ScanSetting's callback type
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanSetting's callback type")
public Integer getScanSettingsCallbackType(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index
) throws Exception {
if (mScanSettingsList.get(index) != null) {
ScanSettings mScanSettings = mScanSettingsList.get(index);
return mScanSettings.getCallbackType();
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanSetting's report delay Seconds
* @param index the ScanSetting object to use
* @return the ScanSetting's report delay in seconds
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanSetting's report delay seconds")
public Long getScanSettingsReportDelaySeconds(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index) throws Exception {
if (mScanSettingsList.get(index) != null) {
ScanSettings mScanSettings = mScanSettingsList.get(index);
return mScanSettings.getReportDelaySeconds();
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanSetting's scan mode
* @param index the ScanSetting object to use
* @return the ScanSetting's scan mode
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanSetting's scan mode")
public Integer getScanSettingsScanMode(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index) throws Exception {
if (mScanSettingsList.get(index) != null) {
ScanSettings mScanSettings = mScanSettingsList.get(index);
return mScanSettings.getScanMode();
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanSetting's scan result type
* @param index the ScanSetting object to use
* @return the ScanSetting's scan result type
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanSetting's scan result type")
public Integer getScanSettingsScanResultType(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index) throws Exception {
if (mScanSettingsList.get(index) != null) {
ScanSettings mScanSettings = mScanSettingsList.get(index);
return mScanSettings.getScanResultType();
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's Manufacturer Id
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's manufacturer id
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's Manufacturer Id")
public Integer getScanFilterManufacturerId(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return mScanFilterList.get(index)
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's device address
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's device address
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's device address")
public String getScanFilterDeviceAddress(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex).getDeviceAddress();
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's device name
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's device name
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's device name")
public String getScanFilterDeviceName(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex).getDeviceName();
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's manufacturer data
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's manufacturer data
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's manufacturer data")
public String getScanFilterManufacturerData(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return ConvertUtils.convertByteArrayToString(mScanFilterList.get(index)
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's manufacturer data mask
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's manufacturer data mask
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's manufacturer data mask")
public String getScanFilterManufacturerDataMask(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return ConvertUtils.convertByteArrayToString(mScanFilterList.get(index)
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's max rssi
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's max rssi
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanSetting's scan result type")
public Integer getScanFilterMaxRssi(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return mScanFilterList.get(index)
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's min rssi
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's mix rssi
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's min rssi")
public Integer getScanFilterMinRssi(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex).getMinRssi();
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's service data
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's service data
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's service data")
public String getScanFilterServiceData(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return ConvertUtils.convertByteArrayToString(mScanFilterList
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's service data mask
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's service data mask
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's service data mask")
public String getScanFilterServiceDataMask(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
return ConvertUtils.convertByteArrayToString(mScanFilterList.get(index)
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's service uuid
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's service uuid
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's service uuid")
public String getScanFilterServiceUuid(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex).getServiceUuid() != null) {
return mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex).getServiceUuid().toString();
} else {
throw new Exception("No Service Uuid set for filter:"
+ Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Get ScanFilter's service uuid mask
* @param index the ScanFilter object to use
* @return the ScanFilter's service uuid mask
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Get ScanFilter's service uuid mask")
public String getScanFilterServiceUuidMask(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex)
throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex) != null) {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex).getServiceUuidMask() != null) {
return mScanFilterList.get(index).get(filterIndex).getServiceUuidMask()
} else {
throw new Exception("No Service Uuid Mask set for filter:"
+ Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid filterIndex input:" + Integer.toString(filterIndex));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
* Add filter "macAddress" to existing ScanFilter
* @param macAddress the macAddress to filter against
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Add filter \"macAddress\" to existing ScanFilter")
public void setScanFilterDeviceAddress(
@RpcParameter(name = "macAddress")
String macAddress
) {
* Add filter "manufacturereDataId and/or manufacturerData" to existing ScanFilter
* @param manufacturerDataId the manufacturer data id to filter against
* @param manufacturerDataMask the manufacturere data mask to filter against
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Add filter \"manufacturereDataId and/or manufacturerData\" to existing ScanFilter")
public void setScanFiltermanufacturerData(
@RpcParameter(name = "manufacturerDataId")
Integer manufacturerDataId,
@RpcParameter(name = "manufacturerData")
Long manufacturerData,
@RpcParameter(name = "manufacturerDataMask")
Long manufacturerDataMask
if (manufacturerDataMask != null) {
} else {
* Add filter "minRssi and maxRssi" to existing ScanFilter
* @param minRssi the min rssi to filter against
* @param maxRssi the max rssi to filter against
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Add filter \"minRssi and maxRssi\" to existing ScanFilter")
public void setScanFilterRssiRange(
@RpcParameter(name = "minRssi")
Integer minRssi,
@RpcParameter(name = "maxRssi")
Integer maxRssi
) {
mScanFilterBuilder.setRssiRange(minRssi, maxRssi);
* Add filter "serviceData and serviceDataMask" to existing ScanFilter
* @param serviceData the service data to filter against
* @param serviceDataMask the servie data mask to filter against
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Add filter \"serviceData and serviceDataMask\" to existing ScanFilter ")
public void setScanFilterServiceData(
@RpcParameter(name = "serviceData")
Long serviceData,
@RpcParameter(name = "serviceDataMask")
Long serviceDataMask
) {
if (serviceDataMask != null) {
} else {
* Add filter "serviceUuid and/or serviceMask" to existing ScanFilter
* @param serviceUuid the service uuid to filter against
* @param serviceMask the service mask to filter against
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Add filter \"serviceUuid and/or serviceMask\" to existing ScanFilter")
public void setScanFilterServiceUuid(
@RpcParameter(name = "serviceUuid")
String serviceUuid,
@RpcParameter(name = "serviceMask")
String serviceMask
) {
* Add filter "device name" to existing ScanFilter
* @param name the device name to filter against
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Sets the scan filter's device name")
public void setScanFilterDeviceName(
@RpcParameter(name = "name")
String name
) {
* Remove a scanFilter from the scanFilterList
* @param index the index of the myScan
* @param filterIndex Integer of the filter to remove
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Remove a scanFilter from the scanFilterList")
public void removeScanFilterFromScanFilterList(
@RpcParameter(name = "index")
Integer index,
@RpcParameter(name = "filterIndex")
Integer filterIndex
) throws Exception {
if (mScanFilterList.get(index) != null) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid index input:" + Integer.toString(index));
private class myScanCallback extends ScanCallback {
public Integer index;
String mEventType;
private final Bundle mResults;
public myScanCallback(Integer idx) {
index = idx;
mEventType = "BleScan";
mResults = new Bundle();
public void onScanFailed(int errorCode) {
Log.d("bluetooth_le_scan change onScanFailed " + mEventType + " " + index);
mResults.putInt("ID", index);
mResults.putString("Type", "onScanFailed");
mResults.putInt("ErrorCode", errorCode);
mEventFacade.postEvent(mEventType + index + "onScanFailed",
public void onScanResult(int callbackType, ScanResult result) {
Log.d("bluetooth_le_scan change onUpdate " + mEventType + " " + index);
mResults.putInt("ID", index);
mResults.putString("Type", "onScanResult");
mResults.putParcelable("Result", result);
mEventFacade.postEvent(mEventType + index + "onScanResults", mResults.clone());
public void onBatchScanResults(List<ScanResult> results) {
Log.d("reportResult " + mEventType + " " + index);
mResults.putLong("Timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
mResults.putInt("ID", index);
mResults.putString("Type", "onBatchScanResults");
mResults.putParcelableList("Results", results);
mEventFacade.postEvent(mEventType + index + "onBatchScanResult", mResults.clone());
public void shutdown() {
if (mScanCallbackList.isEmpty() == false) {
for (myScanCallback mScanCallback : mScanCallbackList.values()) {
if (mScanCallback != null) {