blob: 2777cb5848ea5a2cc31e932e2d3fb394313a254a [file] [log] [blame]
<body style="background-color: #000; color: #fff">
<p>Gestures in ConnectBot allow a user to do several things for
which there&#x27;s no keyboard equivalent. If the gestures seem
backward, then imagine that you&#x27;re grabbing the text and moving it
with your finger.</p>
<h1><a name="Page_Up_/_Page_Down" />Page Up / Page Down</h1>
<p>Swiping your finger up and down on the left third of the screen
will send a page up and page down key to the process. Many programs
map this to scrolling back into history such as irssi or tinyfugue.</p>
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Page Up gesture</p>
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Page Down gesture</p>
<h1><a name="Scroll_back_/_Scroll_forward" />Scroll back / Scroll
<p>Swiping your finger up on the right side of the screen allows you
to scroll backward and forward in the local terminal buffer history.</p>
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Scroll back gesture</p>
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Scroll forward gesture</p>
<h1><a name="Switching_hosts" />Switching terminals</h1>
<p>Swiping your finger from one side of the screen to the other will
switch between currently opened terminals.</p>
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Previous terminal gesture</p>
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Next terminal gesture</p>