blob: 24097b8049a3d144a641671dae7cff772377f59f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.googlecode.android_scripting.facade;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.Log;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.MainThread;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.jsonrpc.RpcReceiver;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.Rpc;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcParameter;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcStartEvent;
import com.googlecode.android_scripting.rpc.RpcStopEvent;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* ScanManager functions.
public class ScanFacade extends RpcReceiver {
private final Service mService;
private final EventFacade mEventFacade;
private final WifiScanner mScan;
//These counters are just for indexing;
//they do not represent the total number of listeners
private static int WifiScanListenerCnt;
private static int WifiChangeListenerCnt;
private static int WifiHotspotListenerCnt;
private final Hashtable<Integer, WifiScanListener> wifiScannerListenerList;
private final Hashtable<Integer, ChangeListener> wifiChangeListenerList;
private final Hashtable<Integer, WifiHotspotListener> wifiHotspotListenerList;
private static Hashtable<Integer, ScanResult[]> wifiScannerResultList;
public ScanFacade(FacadeManager manager) {
mService = manager.getService();
mScan = (WifiScanner) mService.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SCANNING_SERVICE);
mEventFacade = manager.getReceiver(EventFacade.class);
wifiScannerListenerList = new Hashtable<Integer, WifiScanListener>();
wifiChangeListenerList = new Hashtable<Integer, ChangeListener>();
wifiHotspotListenerList = new Hashtable<Integer, WifiHotspotListener>();
wifiScannerResultList = new Hashtable<Integer, ScanResult[]>();
public static List<ScanResult> getWifiScanResult(Integer listener_index, List<ScanResult> scanResults){
synchronized (wifiScannerResultList) {
ScanResult[] scanArray = wifiScannerResultList.get(listener_index);
for(ScanResult scanresult : scanArray)
return scanResults;
private class WifiActionListener implements WifiScanner.ActionListener {
private final Bundle mResults;
public int mIndex;
protected String mEventType;
public WifiActionListener(String type, int idx, Bundle resultBundle) {
this.mIndex = idx;
this.mEventType = type;
this.mResults = resultBundle;
public void onSuccess() {
Log.d("onSuccess " + mEventType + " " + mIndex);
mResults.putString("Type", "onSuccess");
mEventFacade.postEvent(mEventType + mIndex, mResults.clone());
public void onFailure(int reason, String description) {
Log.d("onFailure " + mEventType + " " + mIndex);
mResults.putString("Type", "onFailure");
mResults.putInt("Reason", reason);
mResults.putString("Description", description);
mEventFacade.postEvent(mEventType + mIndex, mResults.clone());
public void reportResult(ScanResult[] results, String type) {
Log.d("reportResult "+ mEventType + " "+ mIndex);
mResults.putLong("Timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis()/1000);
mResults.putString("Type", type);
mResults.putParcelableArray("Results", results);
mEventFacade.postEvent(mEventType + mIndex, mResults.clone());
* Constructs a wifiScanListener obj and returns it
* @return WifiScanListener
private WifiScanListener genWifiScanListener() {
WifiScanListener mWifiScannerListener =, new Callable<WifiScanListener>() {
public WifiScanListener call() throws Exception {
return new WifiScanListener();
wifiScannerListenerList.put(mWifiScannerListener.mIndex, mWifiScannerListener);
return mWifiScannerListener;
private class WifiScanListener implements WifiScanner.ScanListener {
private static final String mEventType = "WifiBackgroundScan";
protected final Bundle mScanResults;
private final WifiActionListener mWAL;
public int mIndex;
public WifiScanListener() {
mScanResults = new Bundle();
WifiScanListenerCnt += 1;
mIndex = WifiScanListenerCnt;
mWAL = new WifiActionListener(mEventType, mIndex, mScanResults);
public void onSuccess() {
public void onFailure(int reason, String description) {
mWAL.onFailure(reason, description);
public void onPeriodChanged(int periodInMs) {
Log.d("onPeriodChanged " + mEventType + " " + mIndex);
mScanResults.putString("Type", "onPeriodChanged");
mScanResults.putInt("NewPeriod", periodInMs);
mEventFacade.postEvent(mEventType + mIndex, mScanResults.clone());
public void onResults(ScanResult[] results) {
synchronized (wifiScannerResultList) {
wifiScannerResultList.put(mIndex, results);
mWAL.reportResult(results, "onScanResults");
public void onFullResult(ScanResult fullScanResult) {
Log.d("onFullResult WifiScanListener " + mIndex);
mWAL.reportResult(new ScanResult[]{fullScanResult}, "onFullResult");
* Constructs a ChangeListener obj and returns it
* @return ChangeListener
public ChangeListener genWifiChangeListener() {
ChangeListener mWifiChangeListener =, new Callable<ChangeListener>() {
public ChangeListener call() throws Exception {
return new ChangeListener();
wifiChangeListenerList.put(mWifiChangeListener.mIndex, mWifiChangeListener);
return mWifiChangeListener;
private class ChangeListener implements WifiScanner.WifiChangeListener {
private static final String mEventType = "TrackChanges";
protected final Bundle mResults;
private final WifiActionListener mWAL;
public int mIndex;
public ChangeListener() {
mResults = new Bundle();
WifiChangeListenerCnt += 1;
mIndex = WifiChangeListenerCnt;
mWAL = new WifiActionListener(mEventType, mIndex, mResults);
public void onSuccess() {
public void onFailure(int reason, String description) {
mWAL.onFailure(reason, description);
/** indicates that changes were detected in wifi environment
* @param results indicate the access points that exhibited change
public void onChanging(ScanResult[] results) { /* changes are found */
mWAL.reportResult(results, "onChanging");
/** indicates that no wifi changes are being detected for a while
* @param results indicate the access points that are bing monitored for change
public void onQuiescence(ScanResult[] results) { /* changes settled down */
mWAL.reportResult(results, "onQuiescence");
public WifiHotspotListener genWifiHotspotListener() {
WifiHotspotListener mWifiHotspotListener =, new Callable<WifiHotspotListener>() {
public WifiHotspotListener call() throws Exception {
return new WifiHotspotListener();
wifiHotspotListenerList.put(mWifiHotspotListener.mIndex, mWifiHotspotListener);
return mWifiHotspotListener;
private class WifiHotspotListener implements WifiScanner.HotspotListener {
private static final String mEventType = "TrackHotspot";
protected final Bundle mResults;
private final WifiActionListener mWAL;
public int mIndex;
public WifiHotspotListener() {
mResults = new Bundle();
WifiHotspotListenerCnt += 1;
mIndex = WifiHotspotListenerCnt;
mWAL = new WifiActionListener(mEventType, mIndex, mResults);
public void onSuccess() {
public void onFailure(int reason, String description) {
mWAL.onFailure(reason, description);
public void onFound(ScanResult[] results) {
mWAL.reportResult(results, "onHotspotFound");
/** RPC Method Section */
* Starts periodic wifi background scan
* @param periodInMs
* @param channel_freqs frequencies of channels to scan
* @return the id of the scan listener associated with this scan
@Rpc(description = "Starts a periodic Wifi scan in background.")
public Integer startWifiBackgroundScan(@RpcParameter(name = "periodInMs") Integer periodInMs,
@RpcParameter(name = "channel_freqs") Integer[] channel_freqs) {
WifiScanner.ScanSettings ss = new WifiScanner.ScanSettings();
ss.channels = new WifiScanner.ChannelSpec[channel_freqs.length];
for(int i=0; i<channel_freqs.length; i++) {
ss.channels[i] = new WifiScanner.ChannelSpec(channel_freqs[i]);
ss.periodInMs = periodInMs;
Log.d("startWifiBackgroundScan periodInMs " + ss.periodInMs);
for(int i=0; i<ss.channels.length; i++) {
Log.d("startWifiBackgroundScan " + ss.channels[i].frequency + " " + ss.channels[i].passive + " " + ss.channels[i].dwellTimeMS);
WifiScanListener mListener = genWifiScanListener();
mScan.startBackgroundScan(ss, mListener);
return mListener.mIndex;
* Stops a wifi background scan
* @param listener_mIndex the id of the scan listener whose scan to stop
@Rpc(description = "Stops an ongoing periodic Wifi scan in background")
public void stopWifiBackgroundScan(@RpcParameter(name = "listener") Integer listener_index) {
WifiScanListener mListener = wifiScannerListenerList.get(listener_index);
Log.d("stopWifiBackgroundScan mListener "+ mListener.mIndex );
synchronized (wifiScannerResultList) {
@Rpc(description = "Returns a list of mIndexes of existing listeners")
public Integer[] showWifiScanListeners() {
Integer[] result = new Integer[wifiScannerListenerList.size()];
int j = 0;
for(int i : wifiScannerListenerList.keySet()) {
result[j] = wifiScannerListenerList.get(i).mIndex;
j += 1;
return result;
* Starts tracking wifi changes
* @return the id of the change listener associated with this track
@Rpc(description = "Starts tracking wifi changes")
public Integer startTrackingChange() {
Log.d("starting change track");
ChangeListener mListener = genWifiChangeListener();
return mListener.mIndex;
* Stops tracking wifi changes
* @param listener_index the id of the change listener whose track to stop
@Rpc(description = "Stops tracking wifi changes")
public void stopTrackingChange(@RpcParameter(name = "listener") Integer listener_index) {
ChangeListener mListener = wifiChangeListenerList.get(listener_index);
* Starts tracking changes of the wifi networks specified in a list of hotspots
* @param hotspotInfos a list specifying which wifi networks to track
* @param apLostThreshold signal strength below which an AP is considered lost
* @return the id of the hotspot listener associated with this track
* @throws Exception
@Rpc(description = "Starts tracking changes in the APs specified by the list")
public Integer startTrackingHotspots(String[] hotspotInfos, Integer apLostThreshold) throws Exception {
//Instantiates HotspotInfo objs
HotspotInfo[] mHotspotInfos = new HotspotInfo[hotspotInfos.length];
for(int i=0; i<hotspotInfos.length; i++) {
Log.d("android_scripting " + hotspotInfos[i]);
String[] tokens = hotspotInfos[i].split(" ");
if(tokens.length!=3) {
throw new Exception("Invalid hotspot info: "+hotspotInfos[i]);
int a = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
int b = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]);
HotspotInfo mHI = new HotspotInfo();
mHI.bssid = tokens[0];
mHI.low = a<b ? a:b;
mHI.high = a<b ? b:a;
mHotspotInfos[i] = mHI;
WifiHotspotListener mWHL = genWifiHotspotListener();
mScan.startTrackingHotspots(mHotspotInfos, apLostThreshold, mWHL);
return mWHL.mIndex;
* Stops tracking the list of APs associated with the input listener
* @param listener_index the id of the hotspot listener whose track to stop
@Rpc(description = "Stops tracking changes in the APs on the list")
public void stopTrackingHotspots(@RpcParameter(name = "listener") Integer listener_index) {
WifiHotspotListener mListener = wifiHotspotListenerList.get(listener_index);
* Shuts down all activities associated with WifiScanner
@Rpc(description = "Shuts down all WifiScanner activities")
public void wifiScannerShutdown() {
* Stops all activity
public void shutdown() {
if(!wifiScannerListenerList.isEmpty()) {
for(int i : wifiScannerListenerList.keySet()) {
if(!wifiChangeListenerList.isEmpty()) {
for(int i : wifiChangeListenerList.keySet()) {
if(!wifiHotspotListenerList.isEmpty()) {
for(int i : wifiHotspotListenerList.keySet()) {