3rd party instructions for using Cloud EPG feature of Live Channels

Partners can ask Live Channels to retrieve EPG data for their TV Input Service using live channels


  • Updated agreement with Google
  • Oreo or patched Nougat


To use cloud epg with Nougat you will need the following changes.

Patch TVProvider

To run in Nougat you must cherry pick change 455319 to TV Provider.


Indicate TvProvider is patched by including the following in their TV customization resource

<bool name="tvprovider_allows_system_inserts_to_program_table">true</bool>

See https://source.android.com/devices/tv/customize-tv-app

Input Setup

During the input setup activity, the TIS will query the content provider for lineups in a given postal code. The TIS then inserts a row to the inputs table with input_id and lineup_id

On completion of the activity the TIS sets the extra data in the result to

  • com.android.tv.extra.USE_CLOUD_EPG = true
  • TvInputInfo.EXTRA_INPUT_ID with their input_id

This is used to tell Live Channels to immediately start the EPG fetch for that input.

Sample Input Setup code.

A complete sample is at ../third_party/samples/src/com/example/partnersupportsampletvinput

query lineup

 private AsyncTask<Void, Void, List<Lineup>> createFetchLineupsTask() {
        return new AsyncTask<Void, Void, List<Lineup>>() {
            protected List<Lineup> doInBackground(Void... params) {
                ContentResolver cr = getActivity().getContentResolver();

                List<Lineup> results = new ArrayList<>();
                Cursor cursor =
                                                + ZIP),

                while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                    String id = cursor.getString(0);
                    String name = cursor.getString(1);
                    String channels = cursor.getString(2);
                    results.add(new Lineup(id, name, channels));

                return results;

            protected void onPostExecute(List<Lineup> lineups) {

Insert cloud_epg_input

ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(EpgContract.EpgInputs.COLUMN_INPUT_ID, SampleTvInputService.INPUT_ID);
values.put(EpgContract.EpgInputs.COLUMN_LINEUP_ID, lineup.getId());
ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver();
EpgInput epgInput = EpgInputs.queryEpgInput(contentResolver, SampleTvInputService.INPUT_ID);
if (epgInput == null) {
    contentResolver.insert(EpgContract.EpgInputs.CONTENT_URI, values);
} else {
    values.put(EpgContract.EpgInputs.COLUMN_ID, epgInput.getId());
    EpgInputs.update(contentResolver, EpgInput.createEpgChannel(values));

Return use_cloud_epg

Intent data = new Intent();
data.putExtra(TvInputInfo.EXTRA_INPUT_ID, inputId);
data.putExtra(com.android.tv.extra.USE_CLOUD_EPG, true);
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, data);