
SampleNetworkTuner is the reference DVB Tuner. Partners should copy these files to their own directory and modify as needed.


  • A DVB Tuner
    • A Nexus player with a USB Tuner attached will work.
  • system privileged app
    • The DVB_DEVICE permission requires the app to be a privileged system app

First install


adb root
adb remount

modify privapp-permissions-atv.xml

Edit system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-atv.xml

<privapp-permissions package="">
    <permission name="android.permission.DVB_DEVICE"/>

Push to system/priv-app

adb shell mkdir /system/priv-app/SampleNetworkTuner
adb push <path to apk>  /system/priv-app/SampleNetworkTuner/SampleNetworkTuner.apk