blob: 0b88ed7f8cd85fa5e517067a02043220e42772d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.ConditionVariable;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* Manages {@link SampleChunk} objects.
* <p>The buffer manager can be disabled, while running, if the write throughput to the associated
* external storage is detected to be lower than a threshold {@code MINIMUM_DISK_WRITE_SPEED_MBPS}".
* This leads to restarting playback flow.
public class BufferManager {
private static final String TAG = "BufferManager";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
// Constants for the disk write speed checking
private static final long MINIMUM_WRITE_SIZE_FOR_SPEED_CHECK =
10L * 1024 * 1024; // Checks for every 10M disk write
private static final int MINIMUM_SAMPLE_SIZE_FOR_SPEED_CHECK = 15 * 1024;
private static final int MAXIMUM_SPEED_CHECK_COUNT = 5; // Checks only 5 times
private static final int MINIMUM_DISK_WRITE_SPEED_MBPS = 3; // 3 Megabytes per second
private final SampleChunk.SampleChunkCreator mSampleChunkCreator;
// Maps from track name to a map which maps from starting position to {@link SampleChunk}.
private final Map<String, SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>>> mChunkMap =
new ArrayMap<>();
private final Map<String, Long> mStartPositionMap = new ArrayMap<>();
private final Map<String, ChunkEvictedListener> mEvictListeners = new ArrayMap<>();
private final StorageManager mStorageManager;
private long mBufferSize = 0;
private final EvictChunkQueueMap mPendingDelete = new EvictChunkQueueMap();
private final SampleChunk.ChunkCallback mChunkCallback =
new SampleChunk.ChunkCallback() {
public void onChunkWrite(SampleChunk chunk) {
mBufferSize += chunk.getSize();
public void onChunkDelete(SampleChunk chunk) {
mBufferSize -= chunk.getSize();
private int mMinSampleSizeForSpeedCheck = MINIMUM_SAMPLE_SIZE_FOR_SPEED_CHECK;
private long mTotalWriteSize;
private long mTotalWriteTimeNs;
private float mWriteBandwidth = 0.0f;
private final AtomicInteger mSpeedCheckCount = new AtomicInteger();
public interface ChunkEvictedListener {
void onChunkEvicted(String id, long createdTimeMs);
/** Handles I/O between BufferManager and {@link SampleExtractor}. */
public interface SampleBuffer {
* Initializes SampleBuffer.
* @param Ids track identifiers for storage read/write.
* @param mediaFormats meta-data for each track.
* @throws IOException
void init(
@NonNull List<String> Ids,
@NonNull List<> mediaFormats)
throws IOException;
/** Selects the track {@code index} for reading sample data. */
void selectTrack(int index);
* Deselects the track at {@code index}, so that no more samples will be read from the
* track.
void deselectTrack(int index);
* Writes sample to storage.
* @param index track index
* @param sample sample to write at storage
* @param conditionVariable notifies the completion of writing sample.
* @throws IOException
void writeSample(int index, SampleHolder sample, ConditionVariable conditionVariable)
throws IOException;
/** Checks whether storage write speed is slow. */
boolean isWriteSpeedSlow(int sampleSize, long writeDurationNs);
* Handles when write speed is slow.
* @throws IOException
void handleWriteSpeedSlow() throws IOException;
/** Sets the flag when EoS was reached. */
void setEos();
* Reads the next sample in the track at index {@code track} into {@code sampleHolder},
* returning {@link} if it is
* available. If the next sample is not available, returns {@link
int readSample(int index, SampleHolder outSample);
/** Seeks to the specified time in microseconds. */
void seekTo(long positionUs);
/** Returns an estimate of the position up to which data is buffered. */
long getBufferedPositionUs();
/** Returns whether there is buffered data. */
boolean continueBuffering(long positionUs);
* Cleans up and releases everything.
* @throws IOException
void release() throws IOException;
/** A Track format which will be loaded and saved from the permanent storage for recordings. */
public static class TrackFormat {
* The track id for the specified track. The track id will be used as a track identifier for
* recordings.
public final String trackId;
/** The {@link MediaFormat} for the specified track. */
public final MediaFormat format;
* Creates TrackFormat.
* @param trackId
* @param format
public TrackFormat(String trackId, MediaFormat format) {
this.trackId = trackId;
this.format = format;
/** A Holder for a sample position which will be loaded from the index file for recordings. */
public static class PositionHolder {
* The current sample position in microseconds. The position is identical to the
* PTS(presentation time stamp) of the sample.
public final long positionUs;
/** Base sample position for the current {@link SampleChunk}. */
public final long basePositionUs;
/** The file offset for the current sample in the current {@link SampleChunk}. */
public final int offset;
* Creates a holder for a specific position in the recording.
* @param positionUs
* @param offset
public PositionHolder(long positionUs, long basePositionUs, int offset) {
this.positionUs = positionUs;
this.basePositionUs = basePositionUs;
this.offset = offset;
/** Storage configuration and policy manager for {@link BufferManager} */
public interface StorageManager {
* Provides eligible storage directory for {@link BufferManager}.
* @return a directory to save buffer(chunks) and meta files
File getBufferDir();
* Informs whether the storage is used for persistent use. (eg. dvr recording/play)
* @return {@code true} if stored files are persistent
boolean isPersistent();
* Informs whether the storage usage exceeds pre-determined size.
* @param bufferSize the current total usage of Storage in bytes.
* @param pendingDelete the current storage usage which will be deleted in near future by
* bytes
* @return {@code true} if it reached pre-determined max size
boolean reachedStorageMax(long bufferSize, long pendingDelete);
* Informs whether the storage has enough remained space.
* @param pendingDelete the current storage usage which will be deleted in near future by
* bytes
* @return {@code true} if it has enough space
boolean hasEnoughBuffer(long pendingDelete);
* Reads track name & {@link MediaFormat} from storage.
* @param isAudio {@code true} if it is for audio track
* @return {@link List} of TrackFormat
List<TrackFormat> readTrackInfoFiles(boolean isAudio);
* Reads key sample positions for each written sample from storage.
* @param trackId track name
* @return indexes of the specified track
* @throws IOException
ArrayList<PositionHolder> readIndexFile(String trackId) throws IOException;
* Writes track information to storage.
* @param formatList {@list List} of TrackFormat
* @param isAudio {@code true} if it is for audio track
* @throws IOException
void writeTrackInfoFiles(List<TrackFormat> formatList, boolean isAudio) throws IOException;
* Writes index file to storage.
* @param trackName track name
* @param index {@link SampleChunk} container
* @throws IOException
void writeIndexFile(String trackName, SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> index)
throws IOException;
* Writes to index file to storage.
* @param trackName track name
* @param size size of sample
* @param position position in micro seconds
* @param sampleChunk {@link SampleChunk} chunk to be added
* @param offset offset
* @throws IOException
void updateIndexFile(
String trackName, int size, long position, SampleChunk sampleChunk, int offset)
throws IOException;
private static class EvictChunkQueueMap {
private final Map<String, LinkedList<SampleChunk>> mEvictMap = new ArrayMap<>();
private long mSize;
private void init(String key) {
mEvictMap.put(key, new LinkedList<>());
private void add(String key, SampleChunk chunk) {
LinkedList<SampleChunk> queue = mEvictMap.get(key);
if (queue != null) {
mSize += chunk.getSize();
private SampleChunk poll(String key, long startPositionUs) {
LinkedList<SampleChunk> queue = mEvictMap.get(key);
if (queue != null) {
SampleChunk chunk = queue.peek();
if (chunk != null && chunk.getStartPositionUs() < startPositionUs) {
mSize -= chunk.getSize();
return queue.poll();
return null;
private long getSize() {
return mSize;
private void release() {
for (Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<SampleChunk>> entry : mEvictMap.entrySet()) {
for (SampleChunk chunk : entry.getValue()) {
SampleChunk.IoState.release(chunk, true);
mSize = 0;
public BufferManager(StorageManager storageManager) {
this(storageManager, new SampleChunk.SampleChunkCreator());
public BufferManager(
StorageManager storageManager, SampleChunk.SampleChunkCreator sampleChunkCreator) {
mStorageManager = storageManager;
mSampleChunkCreator = sampleChunkCreator;
public void registerChunkEvictedListener(String id, ChunkEvictedListener listener) {
mEvictListeners.put(id, listener);
public void unregisterChunkEvictedListener(String id) {
private static String getFileName(String id, long positionUs) {
return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s_%016x.chunk", id, positionUs);
* Creates a new {@link SampleChunk} for caching samples if it is needed.
* @param id the name of the track
* @param positionUs current position to write a sample in micro seconds.
* @param samplePool {@link SamplePool} for the fast creation of samples.
* @param currentChunk the current {@link SampleChunk} to write, {@code null} when to create a
* new {@link SampleChunk}.
* @param currentOffset the current offset to write.
* @return returns the created {@link SampleChunk}.
* @throws IOException
public SampleChunk createNewWriteFileIfNeeded(
String id,
long positionUs,
SamplePool samplePool,
SampleChunk currentChunk,
int currentOffset,
boolean updateIndexFile)
throws IOException {
if (!maybeEvictChunk()) {
throw new IOException("Not enough storage space");
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> map = mChunkMap.get(id);
if (map == null) {
map = new TreeMap<>();
mChunkMap.put(id, map);
mStartPositionMap.put(id, positionUs);
if (currentChunk == null) {
File file = new File(mStorageManager.getBufferDir(), getFileName(id, positionUs));
SampleChunk sampleChunk =
samplePool, file, positionUs, mChunkCallback);
map.put(positionUs, Pair.create(sampleChunk, 0));
if (updateIndexFile) {
mStorageManager.updateIndexFile(id, map.size(), positionUs, sampleChunk, 0);
return sampleChunk;
} else {
map.put(positionUs, Pair.create(currentChunk, currentOffset));
if (updateIndexFile) {
id, map.size(), positionUs, currentChunk, currentOffset);
return null;
* Loads a track using {@link BufferManager.StorageManager}.
* @param trackId the name of the track.
* @param samplePool {@link SamplePool} for the fast creation of samples.
* @throws IOException
public void loadTrackFromStorage(String trackId, SamplePool samplePool) throws IOException {
ArrayList<PositionHolder> keyPositions = mStorageManager.readIndexFile(trackId);
long startPositionUs = keyPositions.size() > 0 ? keyPositions.get(0).positionUs : 0;
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> map = mChunkMap.get(trackId);
if (map == null) {
map = new TreeMap<>();
mChunkMap.put(trackId, map);
mStartPositionMap.put(trackId, startPositionUs);
SampleChunk chunk = null;
long basePositionUs = -1;
for (PositionHolder position : keyPositions) {
if (position.basePositionUs != basePositionUs) {
chunk =
getFileName(trackId, position.positionUs),
basePositionUs = position.basePositionUs;
map.put(position.positionUs, Pair.create(chunk, position.offset));
* Finds a {@link SampleChunk} for the specified track name and the position.
* @param id the name of the track.
* @param positionUs the position.
* @return returns the found {@link SampleChunk}.
public Pair<SampleChunk, Integer> getReadFile(String id, long positionUs) {
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> map = mChunkMap.get(id);
if (map == null) {
return null;
Pair<SampleChunk, Integer> ret;
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> headMap = map.headMap(positionUs + 1);
if (!headMap.isEmpty()) {
ret = headMap.get(headMap.lastKey());
} else {
ret = map.get(map.firstKey());
return ret;
* Evicts chunks which are ready to be evicted for the specified track
* @param id the specified track
* @param earlierThanPositionUs the start position of the {@link SampleChunk} should be earlier
* than
public void evictChunks(String id, long earlierThanPositionUs) {
SampleChunk chunk = null;
while ((chunk = mPendingDelete.poll(id, earlierThanPositionUs)) != null) {
SampleChunk.IoState.release(chunk, !mStorageManager.isPersistent());
* Returns the start position of the specified track in micro seconds.
* @param id the specified track
public long getStartPositionUs(String id) {
Long ret = mStartPositionMap.get(id);
return ret == null ? 0 : ret;
private boolean maybeEvictChunk() {
long pendingDelete = mPendingDelete.getSize();
while (mStorageManager.reachedStorageMax(mBufferSize, pendingDelete)
|| !mStorageManager.hasEnoughBuffer(pendingDelete)) {
if (mStorageManager.isPersistent()) {
// Since chunks are persistent, we cannot evict chunks.
return false;
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> earliestChunkMap = null;
SampleChunk earliestChunk = null;
String earliestChunkId = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>>> entry :
mChunkMap.entrySet()) {
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> map = entry.getValue();
if (map.isEmpty()) {
SampleChunk chunk = map.get(map.firstKey()).first;
if (earliestChunk == null
|| chunk.getCreatedTimeMs() < earliestChunk.getCreatedTimeMs()) {
earliestChunkMap = map;
earliestChunk = chunk;
earliestChunkId = entry.getKey();
if (earliestChunk == null) {
mPendingDelete.add(earliestChunkId, earliestChunk);
if (DEBUG) {
"bufferSize = %d; pendingDelete = %b; "
+ "earliestChunk size = %d; %s@%d (%s)",
ChunkEvictedListener listener = mEvictListeners.get(earliestChunkId);
if (listener != null) {
listener.onChunkEvicted(earliestChunkId, earliestChunk.getCreatedTimeMs());
pendingDelete = mPendingDelete.getSize();
for (Map.Entry<String, SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>>> entry :
mChunkMap.entrySet()) {
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> map = entry.getValue();
if (map.isEmpty()) {
mStartPositionMap.put(entry.getKey(), map.firstKey());
return true;
* Reads track information which includes {@link MediaFormat}.
* @return returns all track information which is found by {@link BufferManager.StorageManager}.
* @throws IOException
public List<TrackFormat> readTrackInfoFiles() throws IOException {
List<TrackFormat> trackFormatList = new ArrayList<>();
if (trackFormatList.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("No track information to load");
return trackFormatList;
* Writes track information and index information for all tracks.
* @param audios list of audio track information
* @param videos list of audio track information
* @throws IOException
public void writeMetaFiles(List<TrackFormat> audios, List<TrackFormat> videos)
throws IOException {
if (audios.isEmpty() && videos.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("No track information to save");
if (!audios.isEmpty()) {
mStorageManager.writeTrackInfoFiles(audios, true);
for (TrackFormat trackFormat : audios) {
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> map =
if (map == null) {
throw new IOException("Audio track index missing");
mStorageManager.writeIndexFile(trackFormat.trackId, map);
if (!videos.isEmpty()) {
mStorageManager.writeTrackInfoFiles(videos, false);
for (TrackFormat trackFormat : videos) {
SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>> map =
if (map == null) {
throw new IOException("Video track index missing");
mStorageManager.writeIndexFile(trackFormat.trackId, map);
* Writes track information for all tracks.
* @param audios list of audio track information
* @param videos list of audio track information
* @throws IOException
public void writeMetaFilesOnly(List<TrackFormat> audios, List<TrackFormat> videos)
throws IOException {
if (audios.isEmpty() && videos.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("No track information to save");
if (!audios.isEmpty()) {
mStorageManager.writeTrackInfoFiles(audios, true);
if (!videos.isEmpty()) {
mStorageManager.writeTrackInfoFiles(videos, false);
/** Releases all the resources. */
public void release() {
try {
for (Map.Entry<String, SortedMap<Long, Pair<SampleChunk, Integer>>> entry :
mChunkMap.entrySet()) {
SampleChunk toRelease = null;
for (Pair<SampleChunk, Integer> positions : entry.getValue().values()) {
if (toRelease != positions.first) {
toRelease = positions.first;
SampleChunk.IoState.release(toRelease, !mStorageManager.isPersistent());
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException | NullPointerException e) {
// TODO: remove this after it it confirmed that race condition issues are resolved.
// b/32492258, b/32373376
false, "Exception on BufferManager#release: ", e.toString());
private void resetWriteStat(float writeBandwidth) {
mWriteBandwidth = writeBandwidth;
mTotalWriteSize = 0;
mTotalWriteTimeNs = 0;
/** Adds a disk write sample size to calculate the average disk write bandwidth. */
public void addWriteStat(long size, long timeNs) {
if (size >= mMinSampleSizeForSpeedCheck) {
mTotalWriteSize += size;
mTotalWriteTimeNs += timeNs;
* Returns if the average disk write bandwidth is slower than threshold {@code
public boolean isWriteSlow() {
return false;
// Checks write speed for only MAXIMUM_SPEED_CHECK_COUNT times to ignore outliers
// by temporary system overloading during the playback.
if (mSpeedCheckCount.get() > MAXIMUM_SPEED_CHECK_COUNT) {
return false;
float megabytePerSecond = calculateWriteBandwidth();
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Measured disk write performance: " + megabytePerSecond + "MBps");
return megabytePerSecond < MINIMUM_DISK_WRITE_SPEED_MBPS;
* Returns recent write bandwidth in MBps. If recent bandwidth is not available, returns {float
* -1.0f}.
public float getWriteBandwidth() {
return mWriteBandwidth == 0.0f ? -1.0f : mWriteBandwidth;
private float calculateWriteBandwidth() {
if (mTotalWriteTimeNs == 0) {
return -1;
return ((float) mTotalWriteSize * 1000 / mTotalWriteTimeNs);
* Returns if {@link BufferManager} has checked the write speed, which is suitable for
* Trickplay.
public boolean hasSpeedCheckDone() {
return mSpeedCheckCount.get() > 0;
* Sets minimum sample size for write speed check.
* @param sampleSize minimum sample size for write speed check.
public void setMinimumSampleSizeForSpeedCheck(int sampleSize) {
mMinSampleSizeForSpeedCheck = sampleSize;