LiveTv TIAS Integration Start and stop TIAS

Currently, the LiveTv is able to receive AitInfoUpdated
notifications from the TIS. This CL has the LiveTv actually
start the TIAS once it receives these notifications, and
stop it once the LiveTv app is stopped.

Bug: 241110408
Test: Manually on Cuttlefish. Should see TIAS start.
Change-Id: I12aa5973427a2ae1aa817d14f9c5d6e38f52ab48
2 files changed
tree: db6acbc97614af1f2aa18715b5e11580a6980b22
  1. assets/
  2. common/
  3. interactive/
  4. jni/
  5. libs/
  6. material_res/
  7. partner_support/
  8. ratings/
  9. res/
  10. src/
  11. tests/
  12. tuner/
  13. .gitignore
  14. Android.bp
  15. AndroidManifest.xml
  16. build.gradle
  19. lint-baseline.xml
  20. OWNERS
  21. proguard.flags
  23. settings.gradle

Live TV

Live TV is the Open Source reference application for watching TV on Android TVs.

Live TV is a system app for Android TV. It should be compiled with Android TV platform.

How to build:

  1. Enable the feature PackageManager.FEATURE_LIVE_TV.
  2. Put this project under Android platform repository if required.
  3. Include this package inside platform build.
  4. Build the platform.

NOTE: This is a reference application and should not be used with further hardening.

Build just Live Tv

To install LiveTv

echo "Compiling"
m -j LiveTv
echo  "Installing"
adb install -r ${OUT}/system/priv-app/LiveTv/LiveTv.apk

If it is your first time installing LiveTv you will need to do

adb root
adb remount
adb push ${OUT}/system/priv-app/LiveTv/LiveTv.apk /system/priv-app/LiveTv/LiveTv.apk
adb reboot