Added support for (re)-connecting to tag technologies.

- Connect() now takes a technology as an argument.
- NativeNfcTag now knows to which technology it is connected.

The default connected handle is for now always the first in the
tech list; also, NDEF is only checked on the first tech.

Still to be done:
- Check ndef on other techs if not found on first
- Expose the connect(technology) API to the framework
- Fix some calls that still use nfc_jni_get_tag_handle and need to work
    on the selected technology instead.
- Get rid of mHandle and the globals for keeping tag handles

Change-Id: If76d4d458565ab0be7ca986c080a59ed8fd0668f
6 files changed
tree: 2a5d1d65b5b15dea7033801d690b0bb685f5fc53
  1. jni/
  2. res/
  3. src/
  5. AndroidManifest.xml