AOSP/Messaging - update the Messaging version to target P (28) or higher.
Use JobIntentService to start the Backgroundworkerservice and
ActionServiceImpl services.

+ Deleted WakeLock code.
+ Made changes to tests so that all tests
  pass with the new JobService. I am not sure if these tests passed
  before these changes.
+ CTS tests passed without any changes.
+ Added TEST_MAPPING file for presubmit tests.

Bug: 115499280
Bug: 119503204

Test: manual - Tested the messaging UI. Ran the following CTS tests on Pixel phone.

$ make -j 40
  rw-r--r-- 1 rtenneti primarygroup 8624061 Feb 19 12:37 out/target/product/marlin/system/app/messaging/messaging.apk

$ make messagingtests -j
  -rw-r--r-- 1 rtenneti primarygroup 729713 Feb 19 12:52 out/target/product/marlin/testcases/messagingtests/messagingtests.apk

$ adb install -r -d out/target/product/marlin/system/app/messaging/messaging.apk

$ adb install -r -d out/target/product/marlin/testcases/messagingtests/messagingtests.apk

$ adb shell am instrument -w
  Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=...........
  Time: 13.353
  OK (113 tests)

CTS tests for Mesaging app
$ ./development/testrunner/ --path cts/tests/app/src/android/app/cts/
  Time: 0.299
  OK (27 tests)

$ cd .../packages/apps/Messaging
$ atest
  Running Tests...
  messagingtests (113 Tests)
  [113/113] PASSED (2ms)

  Results from tests that require device:

  messagingtests: Passed: 113, Failed: 0, Ignored: 0

  All tests passed!

Change-Id: I9494f0750954e6364abb695aa867494669ae54c4
9 files changed